A Secret Search Term to Get More Squidoo Traffic
Shhh! Don’t tell, but I’m going to share a secret with you, one that could result in more traffic to your lenses.
Do you have a lens that features a person, a celebrity, someone that people want to know more about? If so, make sure you include two things on that lens: one, the person’s birthday (date of birth) and, two, the person’s age (so they don’t have to do the math). Fans want to know those things and when they search “how old is so-and-so” or “when is so-and-so’s birthday,” make sure your lens about so-and-so provides the answers for them.
A countdown module (like this one) is a great way to show a person’s birthdate; just remember to update it every year!
That’s the secret. Shhh!
(picture courtesy Gustty via Creative Commons)