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An interesting piece of clothing


I first fell in love with the idea of a having a harness as an accessory many years ago, when I first had a glimpse of one on a magazine mid 90's.

The picture used above is from the 2002 McQueen collection and still one of my favourite of McQueen's collections to this day. I had been dreaming about one those for a long time and finally managed to get one a while ago. Ever since, a few girlfriends of mine and some of you, my lovely blog readers, have also been interested in this trend and have been asking me about it.

So, I have been searching high and low and here are the best versions from the web...

From Asos

Noregian Wood, from Etsy.com

All Saints. (available on website)

Ilya Fleet, Ilya Fleet.com or Coco de mer

From Skin Graft designs

Overall, I find all the different styles very nice. I own the one on the third row from All Saints, it is made of leather like most of them, but I love the one from Noregian Wood which is elasticated.

Would you dare to wear it? If so, what would wear it with?

See you soon.

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