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Beyonce Pregnant Confirmed

Beyonce Pregnant Confirmed Latest News UPdate: Some people think that all the celebrities and famous people they see on the television or on the internet are some kind of gods and goddesses and that the rules of normal humans do no apply to them but now there is report about our lovely Beyonce being pregnant.

The Beyonce pregnant confirmed report has just come in recently and she will be busy taking care of her health from now on though I don't think she smokes. The only real pleasure she might be thinking about cutting down on is alcohol. The woman who started her career out as a vocal diva for Destiny's Child is going to be getting a lot of media attention and paparazzi knocking on her door wanting to reconfirm the Beyonce pregnant confirmed report.

The child is expected sometime in fall this year and her and her husband Jay Z are going to be pondering upon the thousands of names that they might name their child. If it's a girl she's going to have pretty stunning features, unless she gets Jay Z's nose or something of the sort. I have a feeling that the child is going to grow

up to be a musician like bother its parents and it would be a shame if it didn't come to that because they say that talent is also something that is passed on in the jeans and if the child has a voice even close to what Beyonce can produce from her vocal chords then we might just have another child protégé amongst us.

The Beyonce pregnant confirmed came recently and now her relatives and friends must all be headed over to congratulate her and wish her well.

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