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is this thing on?
i've been busy this week. no time to blog. sorry.
working on a new poem.
it rained yesterday. man, i love rainy days in southern arizona. rain makes me hopeful.
We asked some of the major American poets--winners of the biggest national awards, huge presences all, who they thought was the single most important contemporary poet, and what they thought was her/his influence on their own work and on the work of other contemporary poets.
who knew h. l. hix was such a hottie? yum.
i will be blogging and posting pics from the macdowell colony. i know a lot of you love that. heck, i love it when other writers blog while in residence at a colony. but i won't name names or post pics of other artists; i will respect their privacy. but i will let you see what's inside my picnic basket. ha.

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