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Bust a Travis Bickle when I feel that I'm getting pushed. Don't step to me or you're gonna get mushed.

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--Would it have killed the Oscars to have some Steve Martin banjo action?
Never expected the winner for Best Documentary Short to bring back visions of Kanye/Swift. Mom blocking with a cane FTW. Salon has the back story on that odd moment.
Ummm, why was Edward Scissorhands in the horror montage? I guess if Twilight is included then why the hell not?
Oh and suddenly Cannonball Run isn’t good enough to get Farrah Fawcett in the death montage? Well la-dee-da.

Loved the John Hughes tribute complete with a what the hell happened to Judd Nelson moment. Molly Ringwald with straight hair looked just as odd.
Gotta love Sandra Bullock winning an Oscar and a Razzie in the same year and actually showing up to personally receive said Razzie.
Watching the Oscars really made me want to check out Woody Harrelson in The Messenger.

--I don’t know how this/last season ends, but someone else is leaving Friday Night Lights. So long Landry.

--Video of the Week. Lost’s opening credits get the Baywatch treatment. Could have used more Maggie Grace.

And of course a Lost encyclopedia will be published in August.

--Nice hair Ron.

--Zach Galifianakis’ best was the piano bit in the monologue.
“I liked dark comedies. That’s why I like the Wayans.”
“That is so Raven.”
Mostly downhill after that with a few scattershot laughs, but it was still SNL after all.

--Best thing I watched all weekend was the Bird/Magic documentary on HBO. Magic casually talking about his trips to the Playboy Mansion are classic. The footage of them on the same USA Basketball team waaaay before the Dream Team was really cool to see. Larry let his guard down about as much as he ever has in any interview. What a competitor. What a di**. Good stories from Cornbread Maxwell as you’d expect.

--The Oscars were as predictable as can be. Can’t say the same for WEC 47. Holy crap, Miguel Torres and Brian Bowles both lose?! You could tell that cut freaked Miguel the F out and it was pretty much over at that point. Bowles was over as soon as he broke his hand. Jens Pulver’s career has been over for a while now, but Jens hasn’t been listening to people. It’s been sad and only getting sadder Jens, just walk away.

--One day when I'm inexplicably rich I will own the arcade Discs of Tron. Until then I’ll get by watching Tron: Legacy...I just have to wait 'til December.

--Our Only In Florida Story of the Week comes to us from the Keys. Megan Barnes was driving with her ex-husband on the way to see her current boyfriend. Okay, that sounds a little awkward. So Megan wanted to get ready while she was driving because she’s efficient like that. Lipstick? Eye liner? Powder? Nah, she wanted to shave her bikini area while driving. So yeah, her ex-husband attempted to steer while this was going on. Fail. They wrecked the car. Oh and a day before the wreck Megan was convicted on a DUI charge and had her license revoked for five years. For good measure Megan and ex tried the ol’ switcheroo in the car so that he was driving. Yeah, that didn’t work out either.

--“We just pissed down our leg the last six minutes.” That could have been uttered by Rick Adelman after more than a dozen games this season, but that solid quote comes from Flip Saunders after the Wiz blew a lead to the Celts.

--In Only-In-Kentucky News…Toni Tramell was arrested for public intoxication and as she was changing into her cool, new prison clothes she decided to make a point to the female officer watching her. So she squirted breast milk into her face. Point made. Third degree assault on a police officer charged.

--If you watch one Shane Battier karaoke video today make it this one. What’s not to like? "New York," "Ice Ice Baby," "Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys"…

--Demetri Martin out as Paul DePodesta in Moneyball and Jonah Hill in?! That's good, Jonah really needed the work.

--Brooke Burke is your new co-host of Dancing With The Stars. Thankfully it wasn’t Kathy Ireland. Why she was on the Oscars red carpet show I have no idea.

--I didn’t think there was much doubt, but NBC is picking up its entire Thursday comedy lineup for another season. Community just keeps getting better and better as does Parks. Nice little video of the cast of Community getting the news. Office really needs to think about making next season its last.

--I have zero problem with a tax on soda. But you start taxing pizza and we will have words.


--A film version of HBO’s Rome?! Oh hell yeah.

--Really Lindsay Lohan?! You’re gonna sue E-Trade because one of their babies in the commercials is a milkaholic named Lindsay?!

--Dustin Hoffman AND Nick Nolte in David Milch’s Luck on HBO?!

Questions, comments or if you can’t believe it’s finally Pacific week!

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