submission bits
man, it's hot.
j. michael martinez interview: The book went through about three major manifestations. It was originally in the order of my MFA thesis. Two years after my MFA I realized what each section was articulating: certain poems had ideological and imagistic relationships.
i have five poems ready to go, which is a lot for me. i guess i should wait another month or so before i send them out. afterall, a lot of journals start accepting submissions in august/ september. duh. why am i typing that? we all know that.
what's american about american poetry?
these posts are missing some snark!
this past spring and early summer i sent out two poems to three different journals. not simultaneously; one journal at a time. all three journals rejected the poems. big deal, no? yes, it is! to me. i think these two poems are among my best. i'm emotionally attached to these poems. i freaking adore these poems. but the editors/ readers of these journals did not find them suitable for their pages. oh well. i'm not changing the poems.