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The Photo Gallery Module - my new favorite!

I have recently discovered a photo module that I just LOVE on Squidoo. It is the Photo Gallery. You are allowed ten images in this module. One is large and the others are thumbprints that you can chose to rotate into the large frame or allow the visitor to click on one to examine it closer. In other words, you get lots of "bang for your buck" in the gallery module without having too much vertical space taken up by your pictures.

I have found this gallery module very useful for my vegetable gardening lenses. In my growing tomatoes and vegetable garden lenses, I use this module to show the weekly progress in my small plots of earth.

I am enjoying the documentation of the growth of my tomatoes and vegetables so much this year because I might have found two "secrets" to their successful growth. Sunshine and taking the advice of Mike Pender from Classic Gardens and Landscape in Center Point, AL. Mr. Pender has developed a tomato program that uses Ferti-lome products and a "secret" combination of ingredients he sells in a gallon sized baggie. So far, I am the envy of my other vegetable gardening neighbors. Luckily, the Homeowners Association has not elected to give me a "ticket" for any violations that I might have earned (accidentally, of course).

I have a feeling that one of the subjects of my future lenses might be one focusing on "Fresh Tomatoes Recipes" or "What To Do with a Bumper Crop".

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