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diprivan - photos


Jackson asked for powerful sedative, nurse says
An injection of Diprivan can induce hypnosis within 40 seconds from the start of injection, according to the US Food and Drug Administration. ... read more

Diprivan May Have Been Given to Michael Jackson but Dan Haren All ...
If you want to add yourself to this blog, please log in with your FanSided.com account. Who do you think will represent the Dbacks at the All-Star Game? ... read more

Around the nation: Dunkin' Donuts; Michael Jackson
Cherilyn Lee said she repeatedly rejected his demands for the drug, Diprivan — which is given intravenously. … Gary Taylor, the man behind the biggest ... read more


Propofol Sedation with Diprivan
 about Diprivan (propofol),
Actos, Boston Scientific, Diprivan
Picture of Diprivan
 of propofol (Diprivan) during
Propofol (Diprivan) dosage schemes
Diprivan Information

maria belen chapur pics - photos


Maria Belen Chapur PICS!
Here again are pics of the Mark Sanford's Maria Belen Chapur. Maria Belen Chapur Mark Sanford affair broke over a week ago on LALATE got extra fuel as ... read more

Maria Belen Chapur pictures
The Maria Belen Chapur pictures have been found after hundreds, if not thousands, of people have been looking for for the last couple of days. ... read more

AP News in Brief at 5:58 pm EDT
The governor said he "never crossed the ultimate line" with anyone but Maria Belen Chapur, the Argentine at the center of a scandal that has derailed his ... read more


Maria Belen Chapur Pictures
Maria Belen Chapur Pictures
 squeals on Maria Belen Chapur
Sexy Maria Belen Shapur or Chapur,
Maria Belen Chapur Pictures
Maria Belen Chapur Pictures
Maria Belen Chapur Pictures
Mar�a Bel�n Chapur is Mark Sanfords
 of Mistress Maria Belen Chapur
 squeals on Maria Belen Chapur

One lonely Beastie I be. All by myself without nobody.

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--Farrah was battling cancer for a while. Michael Jackson was Michael Jackson. But damn Billy Mays?! I just started watching Pitchmen with him (marathon Wednesday on Discovery) and Anthony Sullivan and it was pretty good. Back to Mikey for a second, Rick Fox won the Tweet of the Day Award with this gem:
"Sad day: Michael Jackson/Farah Fawcett/Ed McMahon all died-- I may have 3 rings but sometimes things in 3's can suck R.I.P. ..."
Glad Rick could insert himself and his rings into that day. I will, however, give Rick credit for his Party Down appearance.
Time has its Michael Jackson issue and Ice-T delivers a great quote: "One of my friends said, No matter how tough you are, Michael Jackson will have the biggest gangster in the front row screaming like a bitch at his concert. That's about the best compliment you can give." Word. Oh and STFU already Joe. Plugging anything while talking about Michael reminds everyone just what a piece of crap Michael had to deal with as his father figure.

--Now that I’m nearly done watching the first season of The Wire I know good police work when I see it. For example criminal mastermind and sometimes football player Sergio Kindle drove his car into a girl’s apartment late the other night. Kindle and some of his passengers pushed the car out of the apartment and down the street some before leaving it. Yet somehow Austin’s police and maybe its CSI crew determined that the abandoned car was indeed Kindle’s. Kindle’s lawyer has two odd quotes. The first regarding how the crash happened, “he was probably text messaging and lost control of his car.” Um, I woulda gone with no comment. The other quote pertains to why Sergio left the car, "He knew he was hurt at the time and that he needed to go home and go to bed." Yes, because if you hit a brick wall and you feel like you may be injured you should probably just get home immediately and sleep it off. Let the cops and apartment owner figure out what happened you need your rest. Thankfully the girl wasn’t home, but sadly her iPhone was destroyed. Needless to say I’d be suing the sh** out of Kindle for destroying my iPhone. I mean why go on if you can’t Shazam random music or spend an hour playing Paper Toss at your work desk?

--Um, 10 Best Picture nominees next Oscars?!

--Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnilo no more?! Not that anybody remembered they were going out or why they were somewhat relevant once upon a time.

--Sorry Audrina, there's no chance you could have topped Padma's Carl's Jr. spot...

--Your Dumbass Criminals of the Week come to us from Florida. ‘Twas there that Eshon Hardy and Theordore Walker were walking home at about 4AM when a cop drove by. The 18 and 20-year-olds told the cop they had left a friend’s house and were lost, oh and they couldn’t pinpoint where their friend’s house was. The dumbasses asked the cop for a ride. To seal the deal one of the guys started dancing and saying he was going to have a rap career. Of course at that point stolen items started falling out of his pockets. The cop then discovered that nine cars were broken into at six different locations with everything from GPS units to strawberry Pop-Tarts being taken. Yeah, these guys are dumbasses, but they have company as all nine cars were unlocked.

--What in the hell?!

--Watchmen out on DVD July 21st. The Director's Cut will also be in some theaters that weekend, but who needs a theater when you have Blu-Ray?

--The example many professional teams should follow this week comes to us from the Sixers who are going back to their old logo.

--I guess I’ll give HBO’s Hung a try. I’m just kind of burned out on the whole high school gym teacher becomes male prostitute with a female pimp genre.

--Aaron Rodgers and Houstonian Julie Henderson who used to date Russell Simmons?!

--Back in the day I was a big fan of the awesome, if not short-lived It's Your Move. Jason Bateman post-Silver Spoons, pre-Teen Wolf Too (who was the genius that decided Teen Wolf Too should be a boxer?) Episodes are on YouTube.

--Eastbound & Down AND Parker Lewis Can't Lose out on DVD this week.

--Megan and Shia? Really?

--Pepa of Salt ‘n’ Pepa fame and Chilli of TLC are getting their own reality looking for love type shows?! Best I can figure about these shows is New York won’t be involved.

--I can wait for Lost as long as they keep adding episodes. One added making it 18 in what is going to be one helluva final season.

Questions, comments or if you visited Eastland last weekend and didn’t see Tootie, Natalie, or even Blair…

Ele estará lá. Não só ele.

A torcida do Grêmio receberá um importante reforço no jogo desta quinta-feira contra o Cruzeiro, pelas semifinais da Copa Libertadores. O lendário centroavante Jardel, artilheiro e grande protagonista da conquista da América pelo Tricolor em 1995, estará em Porto Alegre para acompanhar a partida no Estádio Olímpico.

"Não recebi convite da direção. Vou por conta própria" - diz jogador ao repórter da RBS - "A torcida do Grêmio é impressionante. Ela mexe com os brios dos jogadores. Eu sei porque senti isto quando joguei no Grêmio. Vai ser o 12º jogador e eu vou estar junto aí, se Deus quiser", continua o ex-jogador.

Bom, a nós, Gremistas, resta "secar" o quanto conseguirmos amanhã e acreditar ao máximo na quinta.

Eu, privilegiada, estarei lá.. gritando com a geral.

News Flash!

I am pleased and honored to announce that Couture Allure has been voted one of the People's Choice Top 10 Vintage Clothing Websites over at Lulu's Vintage! Thank you to everyone who voted!

AND...Couture Allure has been voted as one of Lulu's Top 10 Vintage Clothing Websites! Thank you, Lulu!!!

Novo galáctico

Káká foi apresentado ao torcida do Real Madrid, nesta tarde, já na noite espanhola, no estádio Santiago Bernabeu com um público de cerca de 40 mil pessoas, recorde na história das apresentações de atletas pelo clube espanhol.

A apresentação serviu para desvendar o mistério que girave em torno, de qual seria o número da camisa de Kaká. O craque vai jogar com o número oito estampado nas costas.

O jogador é apresentado como o brasileiro perfeito. A torcida confia que ele será o herdeiro de Zidane no clube. Por isto Kaká desponta como uma liderança técnica e moral no clube, para que este volta a conquistar títulos

picher oklahoma - photos


AP Top Kansas News at 5:45 am CDT
The 100 or so residents are hoping the federal government will buy them out like it did for Picher, Okla., just over the state line. ... read more

Mined-out town of Picher looking to close Sept. 1
By AP PICHER, Okla. (AP) — Ravaged by decades of lead and zinc mining and a deadly tornado that killed six people last year, the northeastern Oklahoma town ... read more

Picher-Cardin Schools: Everything Must Go
Picher - One small Oklahoma town has seen its share of trouble, from toxic dumpsite to a series of destructive tornadoes. Picher is about 100 miles ... read more


 operations in Picher, Oklahoma,
 are seen in Picher, Oklahoma,
 Tar Creek near Picher, Oklahoma.
Picher, Oklahoma. picher.jpg
Picher, Oklahoma map
Picher, Oklahoma in 1919
 a tornado in Picher, Oklahoma
Tornado that hit Picher Oklahoma May
 tornado struck Picher, Oklahoma
Dead Cat Picher, Oklahoma

Gripe A ataca Santa Cruz

O jornal Gazeta do Sul noticiou hoje que das sete pessoas com suspeita da gripe A em Santa Cruz do Sul, quatro já começam a ser consideradas casos positivos. Duas delas foram confirmadas ontem à noite pela Secretaria Estadual da Saúde. Conforme o jornal, os infectados tiveram contato com a lajeadense cuja contaminação foi confirmada na última sexta-feira. Eles viajaram com ela para a Argentina e ficaram doentes ao retornar ao Brasil.

A matéria afirma ainda que até agora as pessoas com suspeitas não precisaram ser internadas e passaram a receber medicamentos oferecidos pelo Ministério da Saúde para tratamento. Das pessoas que podem estar contaminadas quatro foram à Argentina e outra veio dos Estados Unidos.

Cuidado pessoal. Essa doença não é brinquedo, não!

Mais um avião no mar!!

Tá pegando moda, e assustando muita gente. O Airbus 310 que decolou do Iêmen caiu com 153 pessoas a bordo.Queda ocorreu perto das Ilhas Comores, a cinco minutos do pouso.
Conheça o Airbus.

O mais surpreendente, hoje uma criança de 5 anos é retirada viva do Oceano Índico. A criança foi resgatada de barco e levada a um hospital em Comores. Seu estado de saúde e nacionalidade não foram divulgados.

Uma agonia total e desesperadora para familiares que aguardam por noticias. E por aqui, as buscas do vôo 447 da Air France que partiu do Rio no dia 31 de maio em direção a Paris e caiu sobre o Oceano Atlântico foram encerradas.

Cai mais um avião. Criança sobrevive.

Depois de mais uma tragédia aérea surge uma boa notícia. Parece que uma criança de 5 anos foi retirada viva do Oceano Índico, hoje (30), depois da queda do Airbus 310, próximo às Ilhas Comores. O avião da companhia Yemenia, vinha de Sanaa, no Iêmen, rumo a Comores, com 153 pessoas a bordo. A criança foi resgatada de barco e levada a um hospital. O estado de saúde dela e sua nacionalidade não foram divulgados.

Na noite de ontem os principais sites jornalisticos já noticiavam o caso. Destroços e corpos das vítimas também já foram encontrados. O trabalho de resgate está muito complicado devido ao mar agitado e fortes ventos no local. O voo IY 626 partiu de Paris em direção a Moroni, nas ilhas Comores, com conexões em Marselha, na França, e em Sanaa, capital do Iêmen. Mais um grande susto para quem costumar viajar de avião. Já virou rotina? Espero que não.

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ePhoto Full Package (1.66 MB) updated 2009.6.29


A Fazenda - participantes imitam Michael Jackson

A Fazenda - Participantes fazem imitações de Michael Jackson, sem saber saber que o cantor já havia morrido. Posts Relacionados: Samambaia e Mirella na Fazenda,Vídeo Mirella e Samabaia,Vídeo de "A Fazenda"acidente michael jackson 1984 Resumo: a fazenda,participantes a fazenda,participantes de a fazenda imitando michael jackson,prova da imitação de michael jackson em a fazenda


Reveja uma brincadeira do Pânico na TV, "OS ATAQUES DE THEO BECK"

Posts Relacionados: Reveja este Vídeo Engraçado com Lilian Witte Fibe,Vídeo Engraçado com Cid Moreira e William Boner,Vídeo com as Panicats


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michael jackson autopsy photo - photos


Michael Jackson's Autopsy Photos: Leaked Or Not?
According to the reports of the British daily The Sun, Micheal Jackson's autopsy results are supposedly leaked to the media. However, the news was reported ... read more

Joe Jackson: No funeral arrangements yet
"I want to see how this autopsy comes out. I haven't decided what is going to happen yet. It will be in a way that Michael Jackson can be proud. ... read more

Michael Jackson's Death to Lead Huge Surge in Magazine Sales
Time Magazine selected a classic photo of Michael Jackson performing. He's happy and in his element. Did he ever find true happiness away from the spotlight ... read more


Michael Jackson autopsy results may
Michael Jackson Autopsy Set For
Michael Jackson autopsy results:
Michael Jackson autopsy results
Michael Jackson autopsy results
Michael Jackson Autopsy Results Not
Michael Jackson autopsy set after
Michael Jackson autopsy set after
Michael Jackson Autopsy Results
Family Wants Own Michael Jackson

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