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Why Should You Wear a Slip?

This week, we've been looking at the correct foundation garments to wear under your vintage dresses. You've seen bras, corsets, girdles, waist cinchers, and other types of shapers. But we haven't talked about another important layer in your undergarment wardrobe - the slip.

Van Raalte Lace Bouquet lingerie wardrobe.

Fact is, you shouldn't wear all those controlling foundations without a slip between them and your dress. A slip will slide over your bra and girdle and provide a smooth layer over them. A slip will keep your dress from catching on the edges of your foundations. A slip will keep your dress from clinging or riding up in unattractive ways.

Barbizon Satin de Lys slip with French lace and embroidery

Slips fell out of fashion in the 70's when pants became more popular as everyday wear. Many stores don't even carry slips anymore, as there is just no demand for them. But I urge you to give a slip a try. You'll be pleasantly surprised how it changes the look of what you're wearing. You can find authentic vintage slips online, and they are so much prettier than modern made ones.

A Rogers Satin Glo nylon tricot slip with scalloped lace matches and was worn over...

...the Formfit Romance bra and Skippies girdle.

Try it! I bet you'll like it!

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