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Make Your Blogger Seo Friendly

Reference to my recent post article about "Blogger better than Wordpress For Seo?". Now i will share information how in fact blogger very bad in seo and how to make blogger seo friendly better than wordpress.

In Fact Blogger is Verry Bad In SEO

  1. Blogger show all post content on index page and categories page that make the categories page duplicate content with the post page.
  2. Blogger used the same meta keyword and description element for all post that makes template contains duplicate meta keyword and meta description.
  3. Blogger has a bad habit to refer to comments through link like this http://kangibe.blogspot.com/2009/07/blogger-better-than-wordpress-for-seo.html?showComment=1246669431495#c464180516479276235. This is simply a link to anchor on your page. Google threats link like theses as separate pages. Again this is couse a duplicate content.

How Bad Duplicate Content For Seo?
Google will decide your blog /site is not search engine friendly.Google Webmaster Tools does not show you any statistics about your page that are considered duplicate content.

How to fix duplicate content at blogger?
In this post i will share how to fix duplicate conten with canonical link.Canonical is a format that allows you to publicly specify your preferred version of a URL. If your site has identical or vastly similar content that's accessible through multiple URLs, this format provides you with more control over the URL returned in search results. It also helps to make sure that properties such as link popularity are consolidated to your preferred version. Read more deeply at google webmaster central blog

  • Go to your blogger dashboard - Edit HTML , look at tag <head>
  • Paste the code below after/under the <head> section
<link expr:href=’data:blog.url’ rel=’canonical’/>
  • Save your template.

To prove this is work or not. Open source of your post page.find this code <link href=”http://yourdomain.com” rel=”canonical” />. If you see it means working.This will boost your search engine rankings a little bit since Google now thinks your site is "Google friendly" (and in fact it is).

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