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jonas salk - photos


On this day in history
In 1995 Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of the first vaccine to halt the crippling rampage of polio, died in La Jolla, Calif.; he was 80. ... read more

"Efficiency" Measures Miss the Point
Say Jonas Salk spent $50 million to raise $100 million to find a polio vaccine. The admin:program ratio would report he had a shameful 50% overhead. ... read more

So Obama wants kids not to smoke. I think I can help.
He survived a bout of polio – before Jonas Salk's vaccine made it possible for the rest of us not to worry about it. He started smoking when he was 12. ... read more


 Jonas Salk.
Dr. Salk discovered an innoculation
Jonas Salk
 Dr. Jonas Salk
Jonas Salk picture
Jonas Salk.
Medical Terminology with Ms
Jonas Salk
SV40 ভাইরাসের গল্পও
Jonas Salk

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