My Two Year Anniversary With Squidoo!
Today marks my second anniversary in the magical land of Squidoo. Thankfully, I followed a link in a newsletter and signed up for a Squidoo account. I started building lenses, hung out at SquidU and never looked back.
Squidoo has become a place where I talk about my varied interests, silly stuff, and products I recommend. I promote my online magazine and talk about all the things I am passionate about. I have met all kinds of lovely people, who have advised me on all kinds of topics. It's a place where I can laugh and learn.
Now I have reached the 100+ lens mark, I plan to make my lenses even more profitable. With study, research and practical application, I plan to make my small but steady Squidoo income grow. I have book projects that are prospering because of Squidoo, and my writing skills have improved 100 fold. I get such a kick out of Googling my name and seeing all my Squidoo lenses pop up!
I know that my experience with Squidoo will continue to be a wonderful experience. Hope you can join me!