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barth syndrome - photos


Barth Syndrome: A family�s struggle
Barth Syndrome, a rare condition which is a result of a lipid deficiency, may have had a cure for it found back in January by an Indian scientist, ... read more

Indian scientist discovers putative cure for orphan disease
According to Dr Malhotra, "Barth Syndrome is a genetic disease that affects males, causing muscular and cardiac abnormalities. ... read more

I Must Save My Child
The McCurdys offer hope to families dealing with rare Barth syndrome. After Joshua was born with congenital heart disease, the Pauls took action. ... read more


 abnormalities in Barth Syndrome
 to the Barth Syndrome Foundation
 main symptoms of Barth syndrome?
 and patients with Barth syndrome
The Barth Syndrome Trust was created
Barth syndrome is a rare metabolic
 advances in Barth syndrome
 in coping with Barth syndrome.
Barth syndrome (BTHS) is a
 as causative of Barth syndrome;

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