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Please allow me to introduce myself...

Hello Everyone! I hope everyone had a very Happy New Year! I haven't written in a while and I apologize but, I have been so burnt out from the Holiday season. However, I'm back and ready to post some amazing stuff! In the past, some people have requested a post about myself so here it is (I have been called mysterious). Ok, so start off with I am 19 years old and I am in my second year of college. I love to draw and paint. I have three dogs and a cat named Punk. My Mom calls me a Vampire because I stay up all night( i'm not an insomniac, I'm just really creative at night! lol). I'm shy. I don't drink or smoke. I never had the need to be rebellious because my parents never really doubted my judgement. Music is a huge part of my life. I love everything from classical music to rock. I have no idea what I want to do with my life! I might go to a more art based school but I don't know... My family is very important to me. I love my mother and my older sister. They are my best friends. I cannot imagine my life without them. I love to travel! One of my favorite cities in the world is London, which is a far cry from where I live in Newport Beach California (yes, the town the O.C. was based on). I do love the warm California weather, and I am lucky to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Obviously, I love the sixties and fashion because thats what most of my posts are about. I don't know where my strange pull to that time came from but, I think it was from my Dad. He grew up during the sixties and was involved in politics, and student movements. I love to hear all his stories, and we bond over listening to Dylan and The Beatles. He taught me all the dance moves from the twist to the shimmy.

Bond St.


My B-day this year

Brent and me ! R.I.P.

decorating the tree

One of my favorites

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