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Free Photoshop!!

Do you struggle to make your Squidoo Lenses look attractive and interesting?? Did you know that you can use Photoshop for FREE!?! As most people know, Photoshop is the DADDY of Photo Editing Softwear. Photoshop is the standard that all professionl phototographers and graphic artists use to make professional photos. But Professional Photoshop is not cheap. Photoshop softwear costs between $600-$800. Now Photoshop is free and online. Using Free Photoshop, I turned the photo above into the image on the right in about 5 minutes. Pretty cool isn't it?

In addition to Free ONLINE Photoshop, there are other free online photo editors. You can learn more about Free Photoshop and other free online Photo Editors in this lens I wrote about Free Photoshop. Now there are no more excuses for having dull and drab photos on your Squidoo Lenses.

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