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Project Runway Season 7 Winner

Project Runway Season 7 WinnerProject Runway Season 7 Winner, First of all, when I tuned in to the finale of Project Runway on our big HDTV, the Lifetime channel (26 in Austin) is NOT WORKING. Black, blank screen. What the freak? I run upstairs and start watching it on the tiny television in my kid's playroom. Super crapola. Here's a play-by-play of the show. It's semi-liveblogging.

-I tuned in as they were working out some makeup details with Collier Strong and let me say the "dark eye" is just fabulous. I wish I had the courage to wear that look. I applaud Mila for choosing that look because it's stunning up close and from a distance.

- Emilio is freaking out because he's missing models or a model.? Whatever. He's such a priss.

- Watching a commercial for Sex and the City 2 and wondering why they would ever write a camel into the plot. Seems odd. I'm sure I'll have to watch the movie to find out. I'm a marketers dream!

- The models are lined up and Seth Aaron says he's "amped" and for good reason.

- Heidi welcomes the crowd, looking gorgeous as always, but the dress looks like something in the Kardashian collection at Bebe. I'm sure everyone else will love it. It not my fave.

- Seth Aaron goes first and was inspired by the German military. (Trying to get on Heidi's good side, perhaps?) Sounds familiar. His collection is really stunning! All black and white with red accents and yellow plaid. It's like Hollywood rocker meets Burberry prep. His final piece is a wild purple thing I've never seen before. Let's call it a dress. Wow, his clothes are absolutely impeccable.

- Oh boy, now Mila is crying about how hard she worked for this. Blah, blah, blah. Every person on the show has worked hard, even the folks who got auf'd. Sorry, I'm not really a Mila fan. I was hoping Jay would have made it to Fashion Week instead. His clothes seemed more inspired to me, except that awful MJ jacket.

- Mila was inspired by shadows for her collection. It's black and white, just like Seth Aaron. OMG. It's so similar to SA's collection. Wow. It's much more hip and innovative than many of the clothes she designed during the show. I'd say Michael Kors will like it because it seems commercial. Nothing really jumped out at me though.

- Emilio steps up to the plate now. His collection is called "Color Me Bad" and that is hilarious. The red dress is incredible for sure. I like the red pieces a lot – love those gloves – but not crazy about the blue and the brown pieces. I don't get the color palette he chose, but what do I know. As Nina would say, it doesn't seem cohesive. The final frock is way to gold. I'm not feeling these clothes as much.

- The judges are blown away by the show. Really?? Shocker.

- Faith Hill is just adorable. What a fun guest judge! The judges love Seth Aaron's stuff, but they also didn't get the purple dress. Heidi is wondering why Emilio named it "Color Me Bad." Oh, Faith loves Emilio's coats. Heidi likes his prints – with his name.

- Michel Kors liked Emilio's gold gown. Interesting. It is totally commercial. Nina thinks it was heavy on the suits. I agree with her. Emilio said he wanted to showcase his sportswear. Mila again with shadows. "Layers, textures, dimensions," she says. Michael, Heidi and Nina are glad she made the style more hip and now. Heidi liked the white t-shirt with the black stripes – so 80s!

- Michael's issues are no surprises with Mila, too much over-working with Seth Aaron and no drama (showmanship) from Emilio.

- And the winner of Project Runway, Season 7, is… NOT Mila. She just got auf'd.

- And the winner of Project Runway, Season 7 is Seth Aaron. Congrats!!!

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