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alexis phifer - photos


Broncos hire Roman Phifer as assistant linebackers coach
Phifer also has a son (Jordan) with his former wife, Alexis Eggleston Phifer, who once was engaged to rap star Kanye West. MIKE SHANAHAN'S STAFF: Where are ... read more

Kanye West's triple date
The 'Stronger' rapper, who has been single since splitting from fiancee Alexis Phifer last year, was surrounded by stunning females at the launch of ... read more

Kanye Sings His Heart Out on New Album
Kanye then reflects on his relationship with his ex, Alexis Phifer on the tracks "Heartless" and "Bad News." On these two songs, West expressed how her ... read more


Alexis Phifer
Alexis Phifer photo: Dewey
Kanye West, Alexis Phifer
 turned esigner Alexis Phifer.)
 fashion designer Alexis Phifer
Alexis Phifer and Kanye West private
 his engagement to Alexis Phifer
Kanye West and Alexis Phifer
His fiance, Alexis Phifer,
 Alexis Phifer, have been engaged

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