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WATCH Lady Gaga in a wheelchair riles groups VIDEO

A group of angry fans threw eggs at Lady Gaga in response to her recent appearance on stage in Sydney, Australia rolling around in a wheelchair. Though the throwers missed Gaga herself, a few eggs hit members of her entourage.
The wheelchair incident occurred at Gaga's concert at the Sydney Town Hall on Wednesday. The singer came out to perform the rock ballad "Yoü and I" while dressed up as her new mermaid alter ego Yuyi. Since her legs were bound in the costume, she was able to move on stage with a wheelchair. The pop queen has previously used wheelchair imagery in her music video for "Paparazzi" and her performance of that song on the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.
The egg-tossing fans in Sydney weren't the only ones angered by Gaga's wheelchair-bound performance. Jesse Billauer, the founder of the quadriplegic advocacy group Life Rolls On told Radar "I invite [Gaga] to learn more about the 5.6 million Americans who live with paralysis. They, like me, unfortunately, don't use a wheelchair for shock value."

Lady Gaga in a wheelchair riles groups
Source: KNXV ABC 15 Phoenix, AZ

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