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5 down, 7 more to go!

Today marks a truly momentous day in the life of Anna; I turned in all my envelopes to guidance!!! *cue trumpet fanfare*


I have finally given over to college fever and am slowly battering away at the wall of applications before me, gradually leaving the comfort of procrastination behind.

Honestly, I've been good. As of now, the only things left remaining for me to do are to:
1 submit my common application
2 complete all supplements
3 finish making all the payments

In terms of #1, all I have left to do are to triple check my essays and to complete the clubs and activities section. I know, I know. Why haven't I done the clubs and activities section yet? Well, I did! I finished it, pressed submit, and commonapp gave me an error message!!! >O That page of my app was cleared and since then, I haven't had the heart to redo it.

As for #2, I am working my way through them slowly and steadily. Borrowing from my friend Donkey, it's like peeling an onion.

You take care of the thin outer layers first (lesser colleges with easier apps) and work your way towards the tastiest part, the center (beastly colleges with demanding supplements) by when your tears will be flowing freely (metaphorically as well).

Ah, #3...I've spent the past few nights ensuring that all my scores are sent correctly and making as many payments as I can. Some people say not to send payments until after you've completed the supplement for a college, but I'm making the payments first. I'm 99% confident in the college list I've compiled and want to pay now so that I'll have an incentive not to cop out later on when it's really late, I'm extremely sleep deprived, I just want to say "screw life", and give up on said supplements.

Get these suckers ready!
For those not currently in the application process (lucky bastards), here's an idea of the costs you will incur:

12/6 - $230
75 AP
100 SAT
55 Wash U

12/7 - $315
15 stamps (40)
15 AP
75 UPenn
75 Yale
70 NYU
65 Williams

12/8 - $75
75 Duke

By the end of this whole ordeal, I will easily have spent over $1000 before receiving even one acceptance letter (other than from Rutgers that is). But let's not dwell on that because for the time being, I have
5 down, 7 more to go!
Food for thought:
Seniors, how painful are essays?
How are you doing with the whole process?
Would it be blasphemous to turn in a Harvard application without doing the "optional" essay?

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