Six-year-old boy raises money for Cambodian orphans
Samuel Seehawer got a hero's welcome from firefighters at his neighbourhood fire hall.
Sam had a police escort while he rode through his neighbourhood with his mother running alongside.
People held up signs of encouragement.
Sat Sep. 18 2010
CTV Calgary (Alberta, Canada)
A little boy has a big goal: to help children just like him. Samuel Seehawer has no hands and only one leg.
"I decided to help those people in need," said Samuel Seehawer.
On Saturday, many in his neighbourhood came out to watch him pedal his bicycle alongside a police escort. He's riding to raise hope and money for kids just like him.
"I feel totally blessed with all these people here to support Samuel," said his mother, Charlotte Seehawer.
His mom says Samuel's life didn't begin with such fanfare, in fact just the opposite.