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franz wright reading bits

i heard franz wright read last night at arizona state. he read a bit from wheeling motel and a bit from walking to martha's vineyard and he read a few new poems but my favorite pieces were the new prose poems/ paragrapsh he's been working on. they are strange but familiar. they are expansive but narrow. they contain heart-stopping lyrical moments. listening to him read them, i felt like i was walking through a haunted house filled with trap doors -- each time i fell through a trap door i was funneled back to the front door where i had no choice but to step through the threshold again.
arizona state's campus has changed a lot. new buldings everywhere! i hardly recognized it!
i paid six bucks for three hours of parking. thanks a lot, sun devils.
i want to buy the denim jacket franz wright was wearing. he looked so chic. and i want to look chic, too!
it was nice saying hello again to beckian fritz goldberg, alberto rios and sean nevin.
i noticed that a lot of students bought his books. it was wonderful to see a young man carrying a book a poems and a skateboard.

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