Expanding the horizons and expanding the parameters. Expanding the rhymes of sucker M.C. amateurs.
Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts
--Fantastic episode of Breaking Bad this week and probably the best open before the credits the show has ever given us. Two words: Danny Trejo. Two more words: The Cousins. Wow. And the chess match between Skyler and Walt was great stuff with Walt a move ahead each time, well until the end of the episode. I didn’t notice until the next day that the title was “I.F.T.” Title burn! A well-deserved one at that. Hilarious when Walt was left with no choice, but to pee in the kitchen sink. We’ve all been there, am I right? And I’m pretty sure I’ll go this entire week without seeing anything as sad (Astros excluded) as Jesse calling Jane’s voicemail just to hear her voice.
Most effective substitute ever.
--And writing of Danny Trejo…he’s planning a The Blind Side type movie using Paul Millsap and his uncle/sports agent. So yeah, Danny Trejo and Paul Millsap. Pretty predictable if you ask me.
--What a freakin’ game! Thankfully it, at times, made you forget who was calling it. Bo-ring. “Duke is the king of the dance,” yawn. Seriously if CBS offered Gus Johnson and anyone other than Clark Kellogg on PPV for $5 or $10 you wouldn’t pay? I would like to comment on “One Shining Moment” except I heard the “The ball is tipped…” and then I saw Jennifer Hudson. Look CBS it’s bad enough you replaced Luther for really no reason at all, but the tip-off of the national championship is the first image once the vocals begin, no substitutions. Bad end to what was the greatest sporting event of the year. “Was” because we’re probably going to 96 teams and that’s just the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard. About as stupid as having your player intentionally miss a free throw with 3.5 seconds left and you’re only up 2.
--May 23rd we get the Lost finale and we’ll also be getting a one-hour special Jimmy Kimmel Live after it. I’m ready for the finality, but I don’t want the show to end. If that makes any sense.
--Congratulations to the team behind Motherhood starring Uma Thurman. Its opening weekend in Britain reeled in a whopping $133. Honestly, how it pulled in that much is beyond me.
Those were some damn fun movies.
--The absolute best example of how to go on strike comes to us from Spain. Air Comet is a Spanish airline that was behind 9 months on its wages paid to its flight attendants. So what do the flight attendants do to try and raise some funds and get some attention? Two beautiful words: nude calendar. Genius.
Note to NFL players: It is not necessary for you to follow the flight attendants’ lead should there not be a season in two years.
--Of course the Rockets followed up the win of the year in Boston by giving up 133 and getting blown out by 31 to the Pacers.
--Talk about a crime deterrent. Texas leads the nation in prison sex abuse.
--One more week left America until you can get your fat fingers on a KFC Double Down. What’s not to love? Bacon and cheese between two pieces of fried chicken acting as the buns. To KFC’s credit they do present two versions in case you don’t want the full 32 grams of fat and 540 calories of the Original Recipe sandwich. The Grilled version is a mere 460 calories and 23 grams of fat, but you will add 50 more milligrams of sodium to get you over 1400mg.
I’m liking this potato skin sandwich from Cer Te…
--Did not expect that I would listen to Rockabye Baby lullabies instead of Muse on my road trip last weekend. But damn, I love those sleep-inducing songs. Now we just need Muse to get the Rockabye Baby treatment.
--Terrific episode of The Pacific this week with a great performance by James Badge Dale/Leckie. Dale is a dead ringer for Mr. Shu on Glee.
--How do you turn a Good Friday into a Great Friday? You sleep in, check your work email and realize you were wrong. You were supposed to work that day despite drinking the previous night like it was a holiday.
--Just when you think Sunday can’t get any better than the Pacific/Breaking Bad doubleheader. This Sunday marks the beginning of...
--I’ve never been much of a Sandra Bullock fan, but I’m loving the way she’s kicking Jesse to the curb. No b.s. rehab or counseling. Just straight up, you did what? Aight, here are the divorce papers. Sign here, here and here and here’s the pre-nup in case you forgot. That’s right you get jack from me. Okay, so uhhh, good luck with that whole Nazi, porn, tattoo thing you got going on…
Shoulda stuck with Keanu.
--Robot Chicken and Lucasfilm are teaming up for a new Star Wars animated series?!
--Thanks for all the years previous to the last one Kris Brown, but Neil Rackers will take it from here.
--I’m not sure where Spirit Airlines operates out of, but I know where they can stick their up to $45 for carry-on baggage fee.
--Bourdain’s best line on No Reservations this week: “I think that it should become sort of a right of passage that if you sleep with a virgin, whoever the most experienced person is should cook an omelette for the other. Wouldn’t that make the world a nicer place?”
--Solid list of the 10 newest or noteworthy restaurants in the area. Best meal I had anywhere last year was at Catalan and I don’t even eat beef or poultry. That’s saying something because I’m not even sure they let you in Catalan unless you eat the foie gras bon bons or pork belly.
Questions, comments or if Austin’s House Pizzeria had you at two kinds of potato pizzas…