Dear World Village : My Article Vanished!
I posted that I was testing World Village to publish articles. Yesterday I wrote an article about adult footed pajamas. Today, to go along with a squidoo lens about footie pajamas, I wrote a second World Village article about adult footie pajamas. There is Good News and Bad News.
Good News: The Footed Pajamas article I wrote yesterday is ranking quickly and nicely in google! It is currently on the second page of Google for its keyword.
Bad News: Yesterday's Footed Pajamas article has VANISHED!! Yes, it is gone and instead, it is replaced by someone else's article about Karate!! Here is a screen shot of my article dashboard (click the image to expand)
I am wondering if that guy has got my footed pajamas article? I wrote to him and am awaiting his response. I also submitted a support ticket and asked for my article back.
So, the first review of World Village is mixed. Lets see how quickly it gets fixed.