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awp bits

so i'm not going to awp this year. it sucks! i'm going to miss seeing a lot of you. not all of you. some of you i don't like.
oh the crazy folks! i love going to awp because it's full of crazy writers. CRAZY! crazy, crazy, crazy.
i'm going to miss the insecurities and nervousness.
i'm going to miss picking up this book. though i've told a friend that he needs (please!) to pick me up a copy. i don't want anything else from awp. just a copy of this book.
i'm going to miss chatting with mfa students. i love doing that! i'm always so curious about their writing, their programs, their plans for post-mfa life.
i'm going to miss the ONE POEM FESTIVAL.
i'm going to miss some of my favorite bloggers: c. dale, corn shake, oliver, steve fellner, and crazy crazy reb.
i'm not going to miss collin kelley though.
i'm going to miss the terrible dancing at the "dance" parties. oh the humanity!
i'm going to miss meeting poets whose work i've enjoyed in journals or online.
i'm going to miss the star-struck.
i'm going to miss the book fair.

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