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fluffernutter bits

working on a new poem. it's titled "to james" and it's about vermont, james allen hall, cigarettes, rivers, loneliness, gossip, and the rain.
january is already over. wow.
last night i finished a poem i've been revising for four years. hmm. i don't think "finished" is the right word. what word did valery use instead? ah, yes: abandoned.
sad are only those who understand
i just spilled some coffee on my lap. don't worry, faithful readers! it's iced coffee.
d.a. powell strikes again: the fluffer talks of eternity.
i'm giggling!
confession: i didn't apply to yaddo and macdowell this month. i was going to apply, but then i realized that i'm broke. ha. so instead i'm going to spend my summer working.
i miss sabrina orah mark.
just a warning: don't google image the word "fluffer!"
today at work i saw the most handsome mexican man. dark brown skin. moustache. grass-stained jeans. old work boots. as he walked past me i thought: there goes my muse.
robert hass: september notebook: stories.

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