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habari gani - photos


Kwanzaa honors heritage, culture
Habari Gani, Swahili for “What's the News?”, is an integral part of Kwanzaa, the African-American celebration of culture, and respect for elders, ... read more

He tried to shake off his grizzled nature as much as possible, as this was something he nearly enjoyed, and greeted fellow celebrants by saying “habari gani ... read more

Bookworm Sez: "Sound of Kwanzaa" full of joy
Every night of Kwanzaa, someone may ask you “Habari gani?” That means “What's the news?” in Swahili. To answer, you say the word of the day. ... read more


Habari Gani
Habari Gani
habari gani t-shirts
says to you Habari gani,
Habari gani? Whats the news?
Habari Gani
Habari Gani?: Whats the News?
Habari Gani?: Whats the News?
Tradition - The Habari Gani

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