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MMAagents Ryan Bennett Golf Tournament

OK, I have come to the conclusion that I really need to start trying to keep up with this blog. It's just kinda weird because you take the time out of your day to set down here and write stuff out, and you actually have no idea if anyone at all even reads it.

Hopefully someone is, if not oh well, I guess I can chalk it up to self help therapy or something. It's been a really long time since i have blogged, and when I started this blog I didn't actually have much booked as far as photoshoots, or didn't have stuff I thought was worth sharing, but man how that all changed. I have been really busy with shoots. I have done several...just all kinds of cool things going on right now. Just had some new business cards designed and ordered today, then some redesign done on the main page of my website. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think ravholly.com

Since my last blog I was invited out by my old previous boss, and still good friend Ken Pavia, who owns one of the top Mixed Martial Arts Sports Agencies in the country mmaagents.com to the first Annual Ryan Bennett Memorial Golf Tournament. I shot a lot of photos and I have to say this event really touched my heart and many, many props to Ken and his crew for pulling this off. There were over 30 of today's top mixed martial arts stars that showed up for this cause, including Tito Ortiz, Randy Couture, Kimo, just to name a few. Yes, the rumors can be put to bed, I saw Kimo, and he is still very much alive, although I can't say the same about his golf game. The whole day was just truly kinda magical in my book...but the end of the day and the lunch event was the most special as there was a special memorial video played of Ryan Bennett, and I ended up setting at the table with Ryan's wife and daughter who is about nine, or ten. The video presentation starts and it's just some news clips, nothing special, but then it actually turns to the news clip from the accident that took Ryan's life.

So, I know this is going to stir some raw emotion in Ryan's wife, so I turn to look at her, and her daughter are dealing with massive amounts of tears. I can watch pretty much anything without even thinking about crying, accept, other people crying...especially women. So, now here I am setting there with a whole room full of professional fighters, doing my damnedest not to start boo-hooing myself. I ended up with some teary eye's and the sniffles, but I was able to pull it off with a fake cough, and then a quick pull myself together bit.

The whole thing though was just one of those special day's of your life, that you know you will remember forever, and one of those day's that truly make you feel blessed to be alive. My only thought is if their is a Heaven up there that Ryan was looking down and got to see what a special day it was in honor of his name and legacy.

Here is a picture of myself from the day with Tito Ortiz, and Randy Couture

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