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david plouffe - photos


Plouffe says Obama has enough supporters to win
Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has enough supporters to win the presidential election, his campaign manager David Plouffe said Tuesday. �We just have to make sure ... read more

Obama saw an opportunity � and positioned himself to take it
In addition, Obama benefited enormously from an innovative and meticulously managed campaign organization led by David Plouffe. It attracted millions of ... read more

Obama Sealed Win by Taking Biggest Risks, Making Fewest Errors
``Strategically, nothing was more important than spreading the playing field,'' said David Plouffe, Obama's campaign manager. ``We wanted the most possible ... read more


David Plouffe
 campaign manager David Plouffe
David Plouffe
David Plouffe campaigning earlier
 Manager David Plouffe and newly
David Plouffe, campaign manager for
Qwertisms: Cut it out, David Plouffe
 David Plouffes presentation:
David Plouffe said, Obamas campaign

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