Well, That Sucked
It wasn't a big surprise the Texans lost on Sunday, but that doesn't mean it didn't suck. The Falcons could just as easily been 3-0 or 2-1 as they were 0-3. As you could see the offense has signs of life even with Joey Harrington who looked better than David Carr ever did especially against the blitz. The Falcons D was solid and downright dominant against Ephraim Salaam. John Abraham just destroyed him in the second half. Gary Kubiak shouldn't go to sleep at night until he plays 10 games of Madden just running plays for the final 5 minutes because to say his clock management needs work is like saying the Notre Dame offense needs just a tweak or two. This week the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Dolphins. This cannot, CANNOT be a loss.
--Okay secondary if not this week than when? No one has thrown more INTs than Trent Green (7).
--Congratulations to Kris Brown who joined Nick Folk as the only employed kickers who have missed a field goal of 30 yards or fewer this season.
--The Patriots get Rodney Harrison back this week, yeah, they really need him.
--I should have known better than to take Steve Smith on a couple of my teams knowing that David Carr was one Jake injury away from ruining Steve's season. David was beyond awful the other day against Tampa. Not until late in the 4th could he even get the offense past Tampa Bay's 45-yard line. There's no way Two Gloves will be in the league in 2 years.
--Marc Bulger, Matt Leinart and Drew Brees are 28 th, 29th and 30th in passer rating behind the likes of Alex Smith, Kelly Holcomb and Trent Green.
Seriously Salman Rushdie used to hit this?
--Seriously Steven Jackson + Larry Johnson + Rudi Johnson + Laurence Maroney + Willis McGahee = 0 TDs.
--Julius Jones – 3.5 yds/carry. Marion Barber – 6.4 yds. Gee, I wonder who should be getting the ball more?
--Cedric Benson is the only RB who has fumbled more than twice.
--Until the New England game ever catch Chad Johnson had went for a first down. He's now 27-28.
--Tell me Emmitt did not say the Patriots were a better golf club than the Bengals.
Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts
--How are you not taking the Rockies to get to the World Series?

--What a FANTASTIC fight between Jermain Taylor and Kelly Pavlik on Saturday night. We had Manny Steward on last week and I couldn't believe how much he was crapping on Kelly's chances. Kelly had shown a lot more in his recent fights than Jermain had. I know it was tough for Jermain to look good against the likes of Winky, Bernard and Cory Spinks, but he didn't give off the same vibe he had earlier in his career. When Kelly survived that barrage that knocked him down in the 2 nd I knew he'd be fine. I didn't know the judges would somehow have Jermain up at the time Kelly stopped him in the 7th. That was ridiculous.
--Leon is killing on Curb! He's Curb's Murray, just owning every second he's on the screen.