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Yay!! Something Other Than The Texans

This is going to be one crazy ass Rockets season. Honestly you can see this bunch losing again in the first round, finally getting over that first round jinx only to lose in the 2nd, or the conference finals or they just might win the whole damn thing! The early schedule is brutal and there's on the road more often than at home this first month so i don't expect them to come out of the gates like the good ol' days. It's going to be a learning process with this offense and that's going to be painfully evident at times like it was on Tuesday. In that horrific 1st quarter they had one fewer turnover than made field goals. That's not good, but being down only 7 after playing like that was good. I've always been a Rafer guy and he had a great preseason, but dude, your thing is taking care of the ball and you didn't do that well enough. Don't make me bring in Steve, really, don't make me. Yao's 25 and 12 was nice, but I want to see more of him posting up especially if the likes of Andrew Bynum is on him. Tracy was Tracy and Shane was why the the f' is he shootin...holy sh** he made it! He made it! The way this team played Tuesday doesn't instill a lot of confidence for Thursday's game against the Jazz, but you never can tell, not with these guys.

--I wrote the above before the Jazz game, clearly what I meant to write was the Rockets are going to be your 2007-2008 NBA Champions.

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--C’mon Heroes, you’re really dropping the ball this year. Note to Bennett/HRG: if you want to start shooting people let’s begin with copycat girl and move on to whoever thought it would be a good idea to drag out this cheerleading drama.
The image “http://www.nndb.com/people/553/000044421/ali-larter-sized.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
--When the hell does Bee Movie come out so NBC will stop running these awful bits with Seinfeld?

--Ving Rhames as Sonny Liston in biopic, Phantom Punch?! Perfect casting and not just because both are black although that is a good start.

--Family Guy is gonna do an Empire Strikes Back episode?! Seriously, the chicken as Boba Fett?! Out-standing!
--Two more episodes for Larry to get Cheryl back. I don’t know about you, but when the Blacks started talking about moving out I thought we were gonna lose Leon for good and I died a little on the inside. He has to forever remain on the show.

--A live-action Akira?! Holy sh** how in the hell are they gonna pull that off?

--There’s a Marissa Miller fathead?!
http://bigpicture.typepad.com/writing/images/xin_kings_.jpgThe best thing we'll see from the Kings this year.

--Seriously Lance Armstrong, Ashley Olsen?! Really?!
This obviously the Olsen on Weeds, not on Lance.

----Shirt of the week comes to us from Silas whose shirt read:
I’m not a gardener,
I just like hos.

--Jessica Simpson and Owen Wilson?!

--Dog The Bounty Hunter went Larry David with respect to a certain word starting with 'N' except Dog wasn't recounting what someone else said on the phone. Yeah, he's in trouble.

Questions, comments or if you can't believe how long this post is...

Things I Love About This Dress

I'm not a poet. If I were, I'd write a sonnet about this dress. Instead, I'll just give you a list of the things I love about it:
It's from the 1930's.
It's pink.
It's velvet.

The embroidery is hand worked.
The embroidery goes all the way around to the back.

The sexy neckline dips to a deep V in back.
It has a train.
It's one of a kind.

Oh, and did I mention, it's PINK?

See this dress and more at Couture Allure Vintage Fashion .

Most illingest b-boy - I got that feeling

No Need To Rehash The Beatdown, What With The Boondocks Premiering on Monday. That's The Important Thing...

--Texans 28th in rushing yards allowed per carry at 4.8. Broncos and Raiders the only teams allowing more than 5 yards a pop. Texans also 28th in getting off the field on 3rd down allowing conversions just more than 47% of the time. Colts are actually worse than that.

--Houston is a top 10 offense (10th) despite being 29th in rushing yards per game. It is 6th in passing yards per, tied with the Colts.

--The bad news is the Texans are 29th in red zone TD percentage scoring TDs on just 6 of 20 such possessions. The worse news is the Titans are # 1 in keeping red zone possessions out of their end zone.

--The Vikings have still yet to allow a rushing score and longest run against was just 17 yards. Minnesota 1st against the run, dead last against the pass.

--No surprise the top two teams in the league in turnover ratio are the top two teams in the league. Patriots and Colts both +7. Saints -9 no one else worse than -5.

--Congratulations to Monday Night Football for announcing that Jimmy Kimmel will never be invited on the show again after he came on this past Monday and made viewers laugh. What was he thinking? Seriously MNF you put idiot after idiot on last year and Jimmy comes on makes a crack about Joe Theismann watching at home with steam coming out of his ears and that gets Jimmy booted? Why not ban whoever the hell sets up the MNF schedule? Yay the Falcons are on! Yay the Bills! Just wait kiddies we’ll eventually be getting the Niners and Seahawks, the Dolphins make an appearance and yay Saints/Falcons!

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--Colbert ’08 – Don’t F&*# This Up America

--How much fun is it watching Juan Diaz break his opponent’s spirit and will in the ring? Juan and Manny would be a whole hell of a lotta fun, which means it won’t happen.

--Okay Friday Night Lights we get it, Landry and Tyra are great actors, but did we really need justifiable homicide to allow them to show off?

--Katie Couric and Hank Goldberg once dated?!

--Like McAdams loves Gosling…Gosling…Gosling…wait they’re done?!

--Ummm, why, how, and why again did Atlanta get “awarded” a WNBA franchise?! That still exists? It’s been a bad offseason Mr. Stern, so why not do something positive and fold that bad boy or girl up already?

--Guess who’s back, back again, BradyFan83’s back with a friend…

--So annoying, so so annoying and yet we finally get a laugh out of Dane Cook…

--Common as The Green Lantern in the upcoming Justice League movie?!

--Damages if f’n awesome! If they somehow come up with a storyline for a second season you shouldn’t miss it.

--The British version is better, but Kitchen Nightmares has already been picked up for another season by Fox.

--Leon continues to kill on Curb. Easily the best scene on HBO this year…not counting anything from Conchords, of course…

--There’s a Madden Espanol version?! By the way, FIFA ’08 is the newest in video crack.

--Police impersonators we’ve seen, but Park Ranger impersonators?! That was the case in Indianapolis at some park where two sicko guys drove around in a white Ford Crown Victoria with a portable red siren on the top of it. These pieces of crap harassed six boys giving them…oh dear God…drug tests. Yep, these sorry excuses for human beings ordered the boys to pull down their pants and pee in cups. Six boys will have nightmares for a long time. The sickos are still out there.

To get that last story out of our head...
The image “http://www.esquire.com/cm/esquire/images/EvangelineLilly2.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
--Most depressing site you will ever visit dogsindanger.com. Yeah, don’t need a death date right next to a cute puppy profile although kids may use this to guilt their parents to give them a dog. Note to Ellen: do not, do NOT go to dogsindanger.com.

--Gatorade Tiger?! What took so long? Gatorade gum (or whatever they call it now) is very strong!

--Let’s go to Miami for some entertainment. Back in 1995 when TLC and Boyz II Men dominated the charts Bernice Heslop opened up her paper and saw the winning numbers she had on her lotto ticket. She immediately called her kids and told them about the $28.5 million coming her way. She didn’t call her husband seeing as how they had lived a part for the last five years. So she put the ticket in a safe deposit box and called her lawyer to get a quickie divorce. Divorce done and ex-husband didn’t find out about it for two years. That is until Marvel Rodriguez got involved. The guy overheard this story about the woman winning the lotto, getting the divorce and the husband becoming none the wiser. Marvel used the investigative skills he picked up as a bouncer and found ex-husband and told him his ex-wife was RICH BIATCH. Marvel got ex-husband to sign a contract giving Marvel 35% of anything he got from ex-wife. Long story short ex-wife paid ex-husband $300,000 lump sum and $57,000 annually and Marvel and ex-husband are in court over the contract.

--Seriously Floyd, you lost to Mark Cuban on Dancing.
Questions, comments or if you can’t get this outta your head..…Should you (A) take the time to find a condom, (B) you walk right over and you pound her, (C) tell her that you want her love, well the answer is (D) all of the above…

I Screamed When Saw It!

It doesn't happen very often, but every once in awhile a vintage dress takes your breath away. I recently purchased a load of vintage dresses from a gal who was getting out of the vintage business after 30 years. She had things in piles in a bedroom of her home, was getting ready to move, and just wanted it gone. We filled about 6 large trash bags with things and I brought them home. I really didn't take the time to look at everything while I was loading the bags. I knew the quality was top notch and didn't have the time.

The other day, I took out one of the bags to inventory the clothing and get it photographed. My hand touched the black velvet, and I knew the dress was a good one because it had that substantial feel of high quality vintage. I held the dress up, and those 3 dimensional wings on the sides of the skirt made me gasp. And then.....

and then.....

I found the Ceil Chapman label. That's when I screamed out loud! Those of you who love vintage will understand. My husband thinks I'm crazy when stuff like this happens. I mean, it's just a dress.

But What A Dress!!!!

See this dress and more at Couture Allure Vintage Fashion .

My man MCA's got a beard like a billy goat

That Was Close

The season was this close (put your index finger and thumb close together…closer…there ya go) to being over, but Kris Brown has a bionic leg and so instead of 2-3 and oh crap, 2-14 here we come it’s 3-2 and time to show the Jaguars just because David Carr is gone doesn’t mean you still aren’t the Texans’ bitches. Last year’s win in Jacksonville snapped Houston’s 12-game road losing streak and made Fred Taylor look a fool after he guaranteed a Jax win. This year the Jags are doing what the Jags do…staying committed to the run, owning time of possession, not turning the ball over, and shutting down opposing offenses. No one has scored more than 14 against them. No one has picked David Garrard. And only four teams are controlling the clock better than Jacksonville. It ain’t gonna be easy for the Texans, but as the football world is beginning to notice, ain’t nothing easy in the AFC South.

--Mike Sellers hits hard…

--How many different ways did the Diamondbacks have to embarrass the Cubs?

--The next offensive TD for the Raiders will match their total from all of last season.

--If this is what the alternative is then maybe Mike Patrick should stick to his awesome pop culture questions: “Virginia Tech went to LSU and got murdered.”

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--Some people need proof there is a God. Not me, not anymore…a Land of the Lost movie with Will Ferrell has been greenlighted.

--So good to have Friday Night Lights back. What Would Riggins Do?

--Dennis Miller a sports show on Vs beginning next month?! I’m in.

--Yeah, it probably can be cut down to 30 minutes of just gold, but I ain’t about to complain about 60 minutes of mostly hits and scattered misses.
Creed killed: "Sup brah""Sometimes you just gotta ride the bull, ya know?"
Kelly: “We have a date”
Andy: "Guess who just became the best looking single guy in the office!"

--U-Turn from Weeds on My Name is Earl…gay?!

--Are you ready for Scream 4? Yeah, me neither. However, a Goonies sequel, oh yeah, bring it!

--Seriously who buys his stuff?

--Hulkster to host the new version of American Gladiators?!

--Best news I heard in between 10am-noon on Saturday…Demetri Martin is getting his own show on Comedy Central. David Spade’s show, which wasn’t bad, is over. Lewis Black is also getting his own platform on CC.

--How did we make it this long without having John McEnroe guest on Curb? Nice to see The Wiz too.
Ana Ivanovic...also a tennis player I'd like to see on Curb ...that or one of the Diaries shows...yeah probably a Diaries show...

--Your proper parenting lesson of the week comes to us from a school bus stop in Jacksonville. There 40-year-old mommy was tired of seeing her son being bullied. So what’s a mom to do? This mom met her son at the bus stop ensuring that he’d be cool forever. Mom had a plan. Plan was wave her gun at other kid on the bus while yelling, “Does anyone have something to say?” and “You can all get some of this.” Yeah, mom is in trouble.

--HBO and UFC did not come to a deal.

--It’s sad that in this day and age I’ve come to appreciate crazy teacher stories that don’t involve the sexing up of students. For example, in California 49-year-old 1st grade teacher Sharon Duering wasn’t molesting students. Congratulations. She did show up to work a bit tipsy though. Twice the legal limit tipsy. And she probably shouldn’t have brought two cans of beer with her in her purse. Other than that though she seems like someone you’d want your kids around.

--Alas your terribly disturbing school story comes to us from Mississippi. There we have a lawsuit filed by a couple of mothers against an assistant principal by the name of Sherard Hollins. It appears Mr. Hollins helped a student with his grades, gave him money and got him out of his JROTC classes. All Mr. Hollins wanted in return was to suck on the student’s big toe and for said student to not, you know, tell people about their arrangement. Yeah, that didn’t last long.

--A nightly, 30-minute show on Fox hosted by Joe Buck?!

--The Eagles for the Super Bowl halftime show?!

Questions, comments, or if you tried to make Jager jealous by flirting with 151 and it didn’t work because Jager wasn’t looking and then 151 left you with a migraine and a stomachache…

Gina Fratini Butterfly Dress

Gina Fratini is one of the influential designers of the British Boutique Movement. She started her business in 1964 and was known for her velvet pinafores and dresses in the late 60's. She designed the dress worn by Princess Anne for her 21st birthday portrait. By the 70's, her designs had evolved into more romantic and fairytale style evening gowns. Fratini closed her business in the 80's, but continued to design for Norman Hartnell as well as private client Princess Dianna. A Fratini dress worn by Princess Dianna brought $85,000 at a Christie's auction in 1997.

If you take a closer look at the print in the skirt of this 1960's Fratini dress, you'll see giant Monarch butterfly wings. A co-ordinating geometric print forms a wide border at the hem.

See this dress and more at Couture Allure Vintage Fashion .

Got arrested at the Mardi Gras for jumping on a float

Well, That Sucked

It wasn't a big surprise the Texans lost on Sunday, but that doesn't mean it didn't suck. The Falcons could just as easily been 3-0 or 2-1 as they were 0-3. As you could see the offense has signs of life even with Joey Harrington who looked better than David Carr ever did especially against the blitz. The Falcons D was solid and downright dominant against Ephraim Salaam. John Abraham just destroyed him in the second half. Gary Kubiak shouldn't go to sleep at night until he plays 10 games of Madden just running plays for the final 5 minutes because to say his clock management needs work is like saying the Notre Dame offense needs just a tweak or two. This week the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Dolphins. This cannot, CANNOT be a loss.

--Okay secondary if not this week than when? No one has thrown more INTs than Trent Green (7).

--Congratulations to Kris Brown who joined Nick Folk as the only employed kickers who have missed a field goal of 30 yards or fewer this season.

--The Patriots get Rodney Harrison back this week, yeah, they really need him.

--I should have known better than to take Steve Smith on a couple of my teams knowing that David Carr was one Jake injury away from ruining Steve's season. David was beyond awful the other day against Tampa. Not until late in the 4th could he even get the offense past Tampa Bay's 45-yard line. There's no way Two Gloves will be in the league in 2 years.

--Marc Bulger, Matt Leinart and Drew Brees are 28 th, 29th and 30th in passer rating behind the likes of Alex Smith, Kelly Holcomb and Trent Green.

The image “http://farm1.static.flickr.com/133/360438417_9e2d9d5514.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Seriously Salman Rushdie used to hit this?

--Seriously Steven Jackson + Larry Johnson + Rudi Johnson + Laurence Maroney + Willis McGahee = 0 TDs.

--Julius Jones – 3.5 yds/carry. Marion Barber – 6.4 yds. Gee, I wonder who should be getting the ball more?

--Cedric Benson is the only RB who has fumbled more than twice.

--Until the New England game ever catch Chad Johnson had went for a first down. He's now 27-28.

--Tell me Emmitt did not say the Patriots were a better golf club than the Bengals.

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--How are you not taking the Rockies to get to the World Series?
--What a FANTASTIC fight between Jermain Taylor and Kelly Pavlik on Saturday night. We had Manny Steward on last week and I couldn't believe how much he was crapping on Kelly's chances. Kelly had shown a lot more in his recent fights than Jermain had. I know it was tough for Jermain to look good against the likes of Winky, Bernard and Cory Spinks, but he didn't give off the same vibe he had earlier in his career. When Kelly survived that barrage that knocked him down in the 2 nd I knew he'd be fine. I didn't know the judges would somehow have Jermain up at the time Kelly stopped him in the 7th. That was ridiculous.

--Leon is killing on Curb! He's Curb's Murray, just owning every second he's on the screen.

--Just name Helio Castroneves the winner of Dancing already.

--Was there ever any doubt Hung was going to win Top Chef?

--Sadly the rumors of the Deadwood movies are dead. I f'n miss my motherf'n boy Al F.U. Swearengen.

--Friday Night Lights returns Friday night, which makes no sense. Thanks NBC. You have one hour-long show worth watching and you put it on the worst night possible.

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox/images/2007/03/29/jesseplemons_fridaynights_nbcnet_24.jpgLandry going out for the team?!

--Jennifer Aniston and Orlando Bloom?!

--Look at one point or another we've all passed out in our car with the motor running. Mine happened a long, long time ago in an apartment complex far, far away when my girlfriend and I entered a Rumpleminze-induced coma at some party, but I digress. A husband and wife in Largo, Florida passed out behind the wheel of their car with the motor running the other day. Some firefighters passed by and woke them up in addition to waking up their one-month-old baby who was in the backseat. One-month-old?! Child abuse charges for both and DUI for daddy, although he didn't drive unless that 'D' stands for Dumbass.

--Shane on Weeds as he puts the blunt to his lips: “This is the moment where I finally become cool, right?”
Isabelle: “No, just stoned.”

Best graduation speech ever!!!

--I think we can close Mother of the Year balloting after we hear this candidate's story. Wendy Cook is a 37-year-old prostitute in Saratoga Springs. She was busted the other night after offering an undercover cop "a good time." Mommy had been smoking crack all day and nearby the cops found her 5-year-old daughter (she's gonna turn out all right, I'm sure) and 8-week, 8-WEEK-OLD son in a car with a couple of adults. The cops discovered mommy had already given oral pleasure? to a couple of johns that morning WITH the kids in the backseat. They also discovered Mommy (and this is when we hand her the prize) snorted coke off of her 8-week-old's stomach while she was breastfeeding him. O….M….G…

--SNL accidentally had a funny skit...

--Sour Nerds are what I'm gunning for this Halloween.

--Aight, 30 Rock you get a shot this week.

--We'd all like to live in the mall, especially a mall with a pizza place other than Sbarro's. Michael Townsend is an artist and set up shop at a mall in Providence. He built himself a loft in the mall's parking garage. Somehow the guy was able to construct a 750-square-foot apartment without anyone noticing. He set up a cinderblock wall and a utility door. Dude even had a PS2 in it until some bastard broke in and stole it. So one day Michael comes "home" and instead of laying out plans for a wooden floor, three security guards meet him inside. So how long did Michael have his mall loft? Four years!

--Radiohead is offering its new album for free on inrainbows.com?!

--Cavemen premiered Tuesday night. Anyone notice? Anyone not hate it? Didn't think so. Way to ruin a perfectly fine set of commercials.

--Kate Hudson realized she was dating Dax Shepard, not that's over.
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--"I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious." – I missed you Office. How puppy dog in a sailer outfit cute is PB & J?!

Questions, comments or if you got flashed at Timeout this week…

Mr. Blackwell Does Fashion

Richard Selzer, AKA Mr. Blackwell, is known for more than his annual Worst Dressed List. He was a fashion designer who had his own line of women's clothing from 1958 to the 80's. His designs tended toward the dramatic and theatrical. This dress certainly attests to that! Fashioned from black wool jersey, it has the most incredible rhinestone choker neckline!

Strands of rhinestones connect the choker to the front neckline of the dress. And if that's not sexy enough, take a look at the back!

See this dress and more at Couture Allure Vintage Fashion .

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