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madison bumgarner - photos


San Francisco Giants' Tim Lincecum hopes to match Madison Bumgarner and clinch ...
San Francisco Giants Madison Bumgarner (40) throws against the Texas Rangers in the second inning for Game 4 of the World Series at Rangers ... read more

Bumgarner leaves little room for doubt
This shouldn't have been a huge surprise, considering Madison Bumgarner's excellent strikeout-to-walk ratio during the season, 13th best among ... read more

World Series Game 4, Giants Vs. Rangers: Madison Bumgarner Preserves Shutout
That took us to the halfway point of the game, and in the bottom of the fifth, Madison Bumgarner returned to the mound still working on a shutout. ... read more


Madison Bumgarner
me with Madison Bumgarner:
Madison Bumgarner -- A
Madison bumgarner
Madison Bumgarner
Madison Bumgarner. SF-103
Bumgarner, Madison 7697 500px
Madison Bumgarner pitched five
LHP Madison Bumgarner.
Madison Bumgarner/Tim Alderson

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This is the invisible man. Liu Bolin, a Chinese artist who knows how to disappear in any environment. He was born in 1973, studied at the Shandong College of Arts, and then at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Petra - A City Carved In Stone (Middle East)

Petra, which means rock, was described as a rose red city that is half as old as time. It was carved more than 2,000 years ago and is now one of the most famous attractions in the Middle East.

Over 500 tombs, temples, and houses were cut into the pinkish sandstone cliffs where it is located in the desert of southern Jordan.

Petra was once the capital city of the Nabataeans, an Arab tribe. Approximately 10,000 Nabataeans lived in Petra over a period of approximately 700 years, starting the the fourth century B.C.

Petra flourished because of it's location, being on the routes of two major trade routes. Because of this locations, travelers would come through Petra with their camel trains to rest, buy food and water as well as sell their goods.

Unlike other ancient cities, Petra was not destroyed or built upon. It was merely forgotten about. Slowly, the trade routes shifted, leaving Petra on a rather unbeaten path.

For that reason, along with the fact that it was built inside a narrow canyon and virtually invisible until you enter the city, it's ruins are incredibly well preserved, providing a breathtaking view of it's original splendor.

The Romans took control of Petra before being passed through countless hands until it was completely forgotten about by everyone except a handful of local Arabs.

The city was not rediscovered until 1812 when Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt heard about the city. He disguised himself as an Arab in order to travel through the area and eventually discovered it's location.

He wrote in his journal that when he walked through the narrow canyon entrance and came upon the first temple glittering in the sunlight, he was overcome when he realized he had found ancient Petra.

The city itself is approximately 17 square miles. Considering that it was carved from the faces of the cliffs, it is a pretty impressive size. In the middle of the city, a huge theatre was carved out of a hillside.

It was first built by the Nabataeans then repaired by the Romans. It is estimated that it could easily hold as many as 4,000 spectators.

As you can see from the picture below, the detail that was originally carved out of the soft sandstone is still vivid and elaborate.

This is why we aren't going to get into college

There is an advantage to blogging; I have a bank of truly random anecdotes to pull from for my college essays. I think I'm going to use pieces of There is. It's called captcha for my Georgetown short answer, and I used posts from a previous anonymous blog for one of my Gtown essays. The short answer asked about my most significant activity in or out of school, and I was thinking of how if I were to be 100% honest, I'd say it was stalking on facebook. I said that to Eric, and he told me how an honest person would go ahead and do it. My response:

[10:11:26 PM] annabanana: but they also wouldn't get into college
[10:11:42 PM] annabanana: it would be one of those things where the husband admits to cheating
[10:11:44 PM] annabanana: the wife goes
[10:11:47 PM] annabanana: thank you for being honest
[10:11:52 PM] annabanana: now i'm going to divorce your ass

Therein lies the dilemma: colleges want your essay to be honest and to reflect your voice, but they neither want the truth nor someone with a stupid voice.

I really should be doing work right now instead of blogging but I try not to go too long without writing something. Sometimes I feel bad for taking the time to write these when everyone else is so focused on doing work, but then someone will message me about something they just read in one of my posts, and I feel better knowing other people aren't working either.

I was just talking with Jess on the phone after having finished my first essay:

me: I still need to write the last essay. What about you?
Jess: Oh that? I gave up on essays! 
me: Don't worry about it. When's the MIT one due?
Jess: Tomorrow...
me: oh
Jess: This is such a funny quote! (proceeds to read random lines from a website)
me: What site is it?
Jess: I'll send you the link
me: Cool! 
This is why we aren't going to get into college

"I wanted to come here today to see you for myself": Hillary Clinton in Cambodia

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is greeted by human trafficking victims Van Sina (2nd L) and Somana (3rd R) at the Siem Reap AFESIP rehabilitation and vocational training center October 31, 2010. Clinton's visit to Cambodia is the first by a U.S. Secretary of State since 2003. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
Clinton: US will help end sexual slavery

SIEM REAP, Cambodia, October 31, 2010 (AP) - Pledging to do more to help end the scourge of sexual slavery, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited a rescue and rehabilitation center for child prostitutes in northern Cambodia on Sunday.

Before touring the famed 12th century Angkor Wat temple complex, Clinton met with a group of about 50 victims of human trafficking at the U.S.-funded facility in Siem Reap and promised them continued American support.

"I am so proud of you," she told the girls and young women, most of whom are between 17 and 23. They receive an education and vocational training that includes weaving and sewing lessons.

"You motivate me," she said.

congressional midterm madness, pledges to help end sexual slavery

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (R) greets children during a visit to the AFESIP rehabilitation and vocational training center in Siam Reap October 31, 2010. Clinton's visit to Cambodia is the first by a U.S. Secretary of State since 2003. AFESIP stands for Agir pour les Femmes en Situation Precaire, which means Acting for Women in Distressing Situations. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
October 31, 2010
By Matthew Lee (CP)

SIEM REAP, Cambodia - Sitting out the intense political battle back home, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton toured Cambodia's famed 12th-century Angkor Wat temple complex on Sunday and pledged to do more to help end the scourge of sexual slavery on a visit to a rehabilitation centre for child prostitutes.

While her husband and fellow Democrats campaigned frantically ahead of Tuesday's midterm congressional elections, the former first lady and New York senator stayed well above the domestic fray, visiting the northern Cambodian city of Siem Reap while in the midst of a two-week, seven-nation trip to the Asia-Pacific.

The self-proclaimed ex-politician is barred from partisan political activity while serving as America's top diplomat. She made no mention of the fierce fight for control of Congress even as American tourists who supported her 2008 presidential bid shouted "California loves you, Hillary" as she strolled through Angkor Wat.

Hillary Clinton pledges support for Cambodian rights victims

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton talks to a group of girls during a tour of the Siem Reap Center, a shelter run by AFSEIP that provides rehabilitation,vocational training, and social reintegration for sex trafficking victims, on Sunday, Oct. 31, 2010 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, Pool)
October 31, 2010
Radio Australia News

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has visited a rehabilitation centre for victims of people trafficking during her first official visit to Cambodia.

The Secretary of State told the women at the US funded centre, her government would support victims of human rights abuses in Cambodia.

"I am helping you through our government and our ambassador and our government in Washington to help you learn English, to help you learn all kinds of things so that when you leave here you will be able to have your own life," she said.

"Ayai Chhlorng Chhloeuy, Ki-Moon Bandoy, Hun Sen Toteung" a Poem in Khmer by Yim Guechsè

Hor 5 Hong (L) and Khieu Kanharith (R): The prophets of evil on the hellish Hun Xen team?

Kon Chhoeu Nas



scary halloween music - photos


Best Halloween Music: Last-Minute Downloads
Halloween is here. Aside from finding a costume, buying candy, and lining up some scary movies, there's a dilemma every year. Where to find Halloween music ... read more

Top Scary Halloween Movies
Each of these classic have their own spin on what's scary. The combination of scary music, great camera work, special effects and bad one-liners, ... read more

Free Scary Halloween Music, Songs and MP3
Amazon's website has a lot of choices of Halloween music, you can experience Halloween samplers which offer 16 “scary” tracks. read more


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