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All By Myself Without Nobody


Oh yeah, if there was ever going to be a day that the Texans were going to beat the Colts Sunday figured to be it. What with David Carr coming into that game red hot, Houston coming in after falling just short against the Patriots on the road, the Colts coming off an insignificant win against the Bengals with Peyton Manning’s season-long struggles continuing. Yeah, Texans 27 Colts 24 sounded about right. Now it would be a huge upset if Houston doesn’t end this season on a two-game win streak to go 6-10. 6-10 has never looked so ugly, but 6-10 and drafting 7th or 8th is better than 2-14, drafting first and ending up the laughingstock of the football world.

--I’d like to personally offer my thanks to the Panthers for destroying any and all of us who have Steve Smith. Last week the Panthers ran 61 offensive plays, 52 of which were runs, hell 7 were direct snaps. Awesome, thank you.

--Seriously over the last three weeks Maurice Jones-Drew has more yards and the same amount of TDs as LaDainian Tomlinson. The other RB with 5 TDs over the last three weeks is Ron Dayne.

--Who will you miss less once the football season is over…Bryant Gumbel or Joe Theismann?

--‘Tis the season for lots o’ year end awards and stuff like that. The AP named Tiger its male athlete of the year. Okay, I can see that. What I can’t see is how Vince Young finishes in 7th. Not only 7th, but tied for 7th with Shaun White and Floyd Landis. Did I miss the part where having a lot of red hair or riding a bicycle on steroids is more impressive than quarterbacking your team to a national championship and then going to the pros and ripping off six straight wins to get your previously crappy team into playoff contention? Female winner was Lorena Ochoa who apparently is a golfer. She beat out Maria Sharapova who put out the best calendar for the upcoming year.

--Right thing to say…LaMont Jordan almost speaking the truth, "You know what? I'm not going to say anything about it. Still got a game left. I'm not out there playing, so there's no need of me saying anything. Only thing I can say is, when people sit there and they criticize us, I understand that we play terrible on offense, but nobody really knows as players what we go through when we come in this building. And I'll just leave it at that."

Wrong thing to say…Tiki on his final game before hanging it up, "I am sitting in a meeting and instead of being solely focused on the Washington Redskins, I will be thinking about other things.”

Another wrong this to say…Michael Vick sums up his season, "I rushed for 1,000 yards and threw a career-high 19 touchdowns with one game to go. I accomplished a lot of things. I think I played consistently week in and week out, and I really can't say what more I could have done."

--Chester Taylor is the first 1,000 yard back for the Vikings since? Since 2002 when Michael “fantasy tease” Bennett did it.

--Pro Football Talk is saying that Charley Casserly is the front-runner for the Giants GM job. Wow. Simply wow.
Thanks for the memories, idiot.

--Maybe you heard Jason Taylor blasting Shawne Merriman’s candidacy for the Pro Bowl and other awards since Merriman was suspended violating the steroid policy earlier this year. Merriman in the giving mood, "I sent him a 'Lights Out' hat and a 'Lights Out' T-shirt and a bag of popcorn," he said, "so he can watch us in the playoffs."

--How does Chris Simms turn a ruptured spleen into a two-year contract?


Yao was starting to get some national MVP run and of course, as soon as the hype was about to hit the fan he hit the floor and the rest is a fractured anteria tibia. Awful, just awful. Tracy McGrady is back although he still hasn’t found his shot. Right now he’s shooting exactly the same percentage he shot last year (42%) and that’s not good. He’s also below 30% from beyond the arc and below 70% from the free throw line. And yet the guys are putting forth great effort and getting big time contributions from different guys every night whether it’s Bonzi, Rafer, Luther or Shane someone continues to step up and you have to give JVG a lot of credit for his insistence that this team is good enough without Yao to not only compete, but win. The Rockets may end up the most dangerous 8th seed ever.

--Luther Head broke Kenny Smith’s franchise record of 27 straight games with a 3-pointer.

--I’m not saying Steve Francis has fallen off the face of the NBA planet, but in that three overtime game against the Pistons the Franchise got all of 14 minutes.

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--I’ve never met a Rocky, including V, that I didn’t like and Rocky Balboa was certainly no exception. Great stuff from Rocko and Spider and Paulie and little Marie. Thankfully it was good enough to overshadow the 20 seconds Skip Bayless and 1st and 10 made an appearance on the show. Skip’s appearance nearly ruined the entire movie. Best Elton John song ever...

--I finally got around to watching Little Miss Sunshine and it did not disappoint one single bit. That final scene destroyed me. Alan Arkin was phenomenal. Because you need to know…The little girl, Abigail Breslin, wore a fat suit for the movie.

--NaS’ new one is out and it is fan-freakin-tastic. It doesn’t get much better than “Where Are They Now?” and “Hip Hop is Dead.”

--I have had the great fortune of having a PS 3 come into my hands. As you might guess, it’s just ridiculous. Madden has never looked better or played better. Usually it’s boring to watch a game between two people, but not with these graphics. Next up Call of Duty 3 and then I gots to get my FIFA on. I also had a one-night stand with a Wii. That’s pretty strong as well, though I can see myself getting tired of that after a while. Or maybe that’s just because I got “mercy ruled” in my last baseball game.

--Family Guy has been going downhill for a while, but this is my # 1 Family Guy moment of all-time…

--Is there a petition we can sign online to ensure that Jessica Biel spends every Christmas in Hawaii? On another note please no more pictures of Tara Reid.

--Dancing with the Stars is still looking for an athlete for its upcoming edition. Reggie Miller turned down an invitation due to scheduling conflicts.

--Three words: Egg Nog Chug...

--A Kim Kardashian sex tape is on the way?!

--Variety released its top 10 box office bombs taking into account cost and its revenues. You might be surprised, but Basic Instinct 2 made the list seeing as how it cost $70 million and earned $5 million domestically. Sharon Stone about as cold at the box office as M. Knight Houshmandzadeh whose Lady in the Water made it as well. One film I can’t wait to see (on DVD) is The Fountain which landed on the list.

--Mike Tyson got busted for cocaine possession. If there’s one guy that should never, ever have coke in front of him it’s Tyson.

--Chuck Lidell and Tito Ortiz tangle on Saturday night. I’ll take Tito by knockout in the 2nd.

--A Nashville New Year with Sean Hannity?!

--Is Guitar Hero really the video crack it’s supposed to be?

--Christina Aguilera with the duh of the week from the always reliable Sun, “We should all be allowed to enjoy whatever we enjoy. Women are beautiful beings and I often find the sight of a naked female more arousing than a naked man.”

--There’s going to be a Real Genius 2 with Val Kilmer?!

--Now we head to Indianapolis where Brandi Crew’s two youngens have a knack for being early to try and sneak as many Christmases as possible in. Last year Bethany came in early and just in time for a visit with Santa. This year Zachary showed up 7 weeks early because Bethany probably informed about this whole Christmas thing. Will Brandi go for three in a row? "I got my girl and I got my boy. I'm done," she said.

--There are idiot carjackers and then there is Claude King of Florida. Dude carjacked an SUV and took off for Palm Springs. After two crashes and getting lost he decided that was enough fun and dialed 9-1-1. He told the dispatchder, "Um, I committed a crime. I stole a vehicle." When asked his name King said, "I'd rather do this: Could you just send the police over here?" Then the dispatcher asked where the car was and King responded, “I couldn't even tell you. I don't even know where I'm at." If you carjack then have a plan…and maybe a key map.

--This little war is taking so long that PBS had time to develop a Muppet special When Parents Are Deployed. Sadly I think they have a lot of time to develop When Parents Return.

Questions, comments or if you’ve ever had so many Jager shots on Christmas that you ended up at a karaoke country bar, yelling about Joseph Addai's heart, referred to the girls you were with by different names each time you addressed them and for good measure got a berth into your fantasy championship...

One Lonely Beastie I Be

10th Time’s the Charm

It would take a Christmas miracle for Houston to break through this Sunday and our miracle of snow on Christmas Eve wasn’t that long ago so I wouldn’t hold my breath for a Texans win. Maybe the Houston will come within 20 points of Indy. Maybe it’ll still be a game by halftime. Maybe David Carr will magically become an average quarterback. Maybe Gary Kubiak will actually play Chris Taylor. Maybe Andre Johnson will run further than 10 yards down the field. Maybe the Texans will run a two-minute drill. Maybe the secondary won’t get scorched. Either way only two years until we’re done with Dubya and only two games until we’re done with David. I know it’s not all David’s fault, but he’s just got to go.

--38 more rushing yards before Vince becomes the first rookie QB to ever run for 500 yards.

--The Cardinals have 12 rushing TDs over the last two seasons. Since November 19th LaDainian has 12 as well.

--Before this season the Raiders suffered the indignity of being shut out at home one time in their history. This season, three times.

Aloha Means You Got Snubbed

--DeMeco got De-jobbed out of a Pro Bowl bid. Leading the league in tackles is kind of a big deal.
--The biggest snub of all to me is Brian Westbrook not getting in over Tiki Barber. Their total yards are pretty much the same, but with Westbrook holding a big 11-2 advantage in touchdowns. To me it’s about what these guys have done down the stretch. New York has lost 5 of 6 and in those losses Tiki didn’t go over 100 yards or even average 4 yards a pop. Over the same stretch Westbrook’s Eagles, sans McNabb, have won 4 of 6 while Brian has averaged 5.1 yards a carry and gone over 100 yards rushing three times. Then there’s the fact Westbrook has been hurt all season, but played through it and only missed one week. Tiki, on the other hand, dropped a retirement bomb on his team mid-season.

--I like Philip Rivers, but over Tom Brady?!

--The three guys Eli Manning ended up getting traded for will all make the trip. Rivers, Shawne Merriman and Nate Kaeding. Kaeding made it despite a three-week stretch he didn’t even have to attempt a FG.

--Your undrafted Pro Bowlers: Willie Parker (Steelers), Jeff Saturday (Colts), Tony Romo (Cowboys) and Brian Waters (Chiefs).

--Because you can never hear these clips enough…

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--Because ‘tis the season…

--Martha Stewart and Anthony Hopkins once had a thing?!

--Sharon Stone and Christian “wow, look at that snap!” Slater are officially a pair?!

--Former N*Syncer Joey Fatone in for the next Dancing with the Stars.
Joey and...is that you Vito?

--Every once in a while I record Raw just to see if anything interesting is happening and since last week’s had a battle royal and was three hours I gave it a shot. I zipped through the three hours in about 20 minutes. Apparently Kevin Federline is wrestling John Cena on New Year’s Day. Shockingly Edge won the battle royal. Maybe TNA has something interesting going on. I know ECW doesn’t. WWE killed that.

--Eminem and Kim are divorcing…again.

--Drudge headline of the week: Woman calls cops to complain about ‘bad crack’.

--Sadly Miss Evangeline Lilly’s house in Hawaii burned to the ground. No one was hurt and this is one of the best scenes in television history...

--Those dumbasses on The View are at it again. First it was Rosie ching-chonging her way into the hearts of Asians, then Joy Behar somehow made Donald Rumsfeld a sympathetic figure and then Rosie slammed Donald Trump after the Miss USA press conference including a claim Trump was once bankrupt, had extra-marital affairs and is basically a “snake oil salesman.”

“Rosie is very lucky to have her girlfriend. She better be careful or I'll send one of my friends over to pick up her girlfriend.... why would she stay with Rosie if she had a choice?

--We head to Haynie Elementary in Georgia for our fun field trip of the week. Teacher took her 4th grade class to the Atlanta History Center. She warned the kids if they acted up she’d tie ‘em up with a rope. One kid started talking and he got the rope as did several others who had a long jump rope tied around their wrists. So they got paraded around by teacher until one presumably plump kid couldn’t keep up so she untied them all. One parent said, “He told me he’s been scared to act up in this particular teacher’s class, because he didn’t want to be tied up again.” Poor kid, too scared to act up in class. Oh well, might as well be quiet and learn something.

--You ever see lights from a cop car behind you and instead of, I don’t know, stopping; you decide to call 911? Well, Brian Gullickson is a member of Fergus Falls’ City Council and that’s exactly what he did when a cop tried to pull him over for expired tags at 1:30 in the morning the other day. He told the dispatcher he had done nothing wrong and that “they had no idea who he was.” Long story, short, he finally stopped, acted like a drunk jerk, taser, pepper spray, jail.

--Josh Hartnett can’t act to save his life, but apparently he acts good enough to date Scarlett Johansson while also making time to make out with Giselle Bundchen.

--Apparently Miss USA has nothing on Miss Nevada who had some party pictures taken showing her in the various stages of hot drunkenness. First jam your tongue down another hot girl, take a piss on the side of a building exposing your ass, go back and tongue another girl, show off your Miss Nevada casabas, let a random guy tongue your casabas, show the casabas to the camera one more time and decide your day is done. Didn't take too long for her to get stripped......of her title. Apparently the former Miss Nevada was 17 when these were taken. I guess they finally got out because of Miss USA's stuff and now people are trying to make a buck exposing the whorier (word?) beauty queens.

--The most comprehensive Best Albums of 2006 page out there…

--The perfect stocking stuffer…

--Everyone have a great Christmas or whatever makes you happy.

Questions, comments or if all you want for Christmas is a fantasy football title, just one, I mean sure two would be nice and you’ve been a good boy all year long and open the doors for all people not just old people and you pick up your trash if its still in the same spot on the street the next day and you drink every single drop of beer in your glass even if you’re hammered because you know there are people in the world who don’t get to drink and you give homeless people a stick of green apple Extra and you call your grandmother on her birthday not because your mom makes you, but because your dad does and you make hoecakes because hoes gotta eat too and you don’t curse the Texans every day, but every other day and you support our President because all right I don’t exactly support our President, but, where was this going? Oh yeah, all I want for Christmas is one fantasy football title......or two.....please...

Just Me and My Horsey and a Quart of Beer

40-7 And It Wasn’t That Close

No point in reheating that pile of crap that the Texans attempted to pass as professional football. I believe it was Homer who said it best, “That team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked! I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked!”

--Brett Favre moved past Dan Marino on the all-time completions list. Favre also went past some guy named John Hadl for 2nd place on the all-time interceptions list throwing 268, 269 and 270 in the win. George Blanda is # 1 with 277.

--Rex Grossman threw for over 300 yards in that overtime win giving Chicago its first 300-yard passer in 73 games. That was the longest streak running and that now falls to the Niners who haven’t had one in 41 straight games.

--Chris Weinke has now lost 17 straight as a starter marking the longest streak since Dan Pastorini lost 21 in a row in ’72-’74.

--Reggie Bush didn’t put on a show, but he did set a new rookie record for receptions by a RB. He just might pan out.

--Can’t bring up Reggie without bringing up Vince. He didn’t do much of anything, but his defense scored three TDs of 60 yards or longer. Tennessee had possession for just 15 minutes and 38 seconds. That’s the lowest time of possession for a winning team in the 30 years that stat has been kept.

The Man, The Myth, The Yao

Sometimes Houston franchises get the number 1 overall selection right. Oh, it’s true, it’s true. How unbelievable is Yao right now? How unbelievable that he continues to get better and better each time out? He’s easily the best center in the league having achieved that by the end of last season. This season he’s in the discussion for Most Valuable Player. In the three games on this trip thus far he’s averaging 43 minutes, 35 points, shooting 49%, grabbing 14.3 rebounds, 4 assists, 3.6 blocks, and has made 21 of 23 free throws. Not too shabby. Unfortunately the team is just 1-2 with games against the Blazers and Spurs still to come. For the first time this season the Rockets have put up 100+ in three straight games. Hopefully Tracy McGrady comes back soon. Hopefully Bonzi continues to improve. No need to hope Yao keeps it up, because that’s a given and he’s only going to get better and maybe, just maybe someday will get a call. If only someone would come up with a catchy song for Yao.

--Are we sure Melo Yellow was in a gang video once upon a time?! Because I’m no expert, but in gang fights does one person sucker punch another and then backpedal until his boys get in front of him? Denver’s starters should not have been in that game, but the stupidest thing to come out came from Isiah Thomas (shocking, I know). Zeke said that his team “had surrendered” and that’s why Carmelo and Camby shouldn’t have been in the game. Nice way for a coach to talk. They shouldn’t have been in the game because they were up 19 with just over a minute left; not because you and your team “surrendered.” Thomas basically warned Carmelo a hard foul was coming and yet Zeke gets off without a suspension? Earlier this season Thomas said he would have beaten the sh** out of Bruce Bowen if he stepped underneath him after a jumper like Bruce did to Steve Francis. Nothing new to say Isiah is an idiot and that idiot deserved a suspension.
It doesn't get any better than this.

--Glitch in the matrix…the Pistons are 13-1 on the first or second games of back-to-backs. 1-7 with one day of rest or more before a game.

--Fox Sports Bay Area has an interesting idea. It hired some statistician to examine every NBA game from the last several years to determine the probability of victory considering the score and time left in the game. The East Valley Tribune explains, “This way, TV types can put a team’s probability of victory next to the score (much like they do in poker telecasts, in which the player’s chances of winning the hand is posted on the screen next to his hole cards). So if the Warriors are down by 10 with a minute left to the Rockets, it will say 90 percent next to the Rockets’ score and 10 percent next to the Warriors’.”

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--Miss USA Tara Conner is on the chopping block Tuesday because according to some reports she enjoys a little snow out at nightclubs and she makes out in public with Miss Teen USA. Conner is 20 while Miss Teen USA Katie Blair is all of 18 and national spokeswoman for Mothers Against Drunk Driving. This story can only get better.

Let the corruption of Miss Universe begin...

--Because once a year SNL is funny and time was running out on this year until (if you’re at work then the volume a little lower might be a good idea)…

“Step one, cut a hole in the box.”

--Finally Little Miss Sunshine is out on DVD although I’m sure most of your earmarked DVD money this week is going to National Lampoon’s Pledge This, American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile, and Step Up. What a crap week except for that ray of Sunshine.

--Who doesn’t love a gift card? Even stores must love them. Best Buy reported a $43 million dollar profit on unused cards last year.

--Because you don’t have time to break down all of the pros and cons of Wii vs. PS 3…

--Child porn sickos probably have some of the stupidest/funniest stories to justify their sickness. Kevin Sutherland of Salt Lake came up with this one. He was downloading porn at the hospital he worked at. Rather it wasn’t him downloading it was one of his “personalities.” This personality happened to be a teenage boy and liked looking at girls his own age. Yeah, that’s not working out for him so far.

--Because it doesn’t get better than a new video from U2 that shows nothing but clips of renowned music artists…

--Chris Evert and Greg Norman?!

--The first real Transformers trailer comes out Wednesday. Cooler "bad guy"?
Storm Shadow?

--Drudge Report shocking headline of the week…Being a celebrity ‘best thing in the world’ say children.

--I couldn’t find a job teaching U.S. History, but David Paszkiewicz did at Kearny High in New Jersey. Unfortunately for him one junior recorded his classes and the NY Times reported, “Shortly after school began in September, the teacher told his sixth-period students at Kearny High School that evolution and the Big Bang were not scientific, that dinosaurs were aboard Noah’s ark, and that only Christians had a place in heaven.” Mr. P received “corrective action” from administrators. Dinosaurs aboard Noah’s ark sounds like a good start to a movie.

--Watch out Jermain Taylor…Edison Miranda is a bad man. So is Jose Hernandez. Major props to Jose for getting his face smashed for 7 rounds before knocking Jason Litzau the F out.

--Probably need this T-shirt…

Questions, comments or if you think Time Magazine has lost all credibility by naming “You” as its Person of the Year…

Girls- And In The Bathroom

Only Three More Fun, Inspiring, Exciting Games Left

That’s right only three more times to watch David Carr complete 17 passes in a row while gaining only two first downs in the process. Only three more times to watch that awesome Houston two-minute drill. Only three more times to watch Eric Moulds get one catch. Only three more times to watch bubble screens to Jeb Putzier. Only three more times to watch Andre Johnson’s best years go to waste. Only three more times to be reminded of what could’ve been. Only three more times to watch Mario Williams tear up opposing offensive lines. Only three more times you have to get your puke bucket out to sit with you as you endure another loss. Enjoy.

--Four Sports Illustrated covers in 13 months for Vince Young. How many in five f’n years for the Texans?

--The Texans are better than the Titans at one thing. Passing plays of 40+ yards…Houston- 3. Tennessee- 0. Chew on that Nashville.

--Andre Johnson hasn’t gone over the 100-yard mark since Week 7 and has one TD since Week 8.

--His status is up in the air for the Cowboys game, but I’d love to see Jerious Norwood get a full load of carries for Atlanta. Not once, but twice this season he’s gone over 100 yards on fewer than 10 carries.

--Fred Taylor and Maurice Jones-Drew = 2,297 yards from scrimmage. LaDainian Tomlinson and Michael Turner = 2,280 yds.

--Cellblock Cincy has 8 wins to go along with 8 arrests. One of those not T.J. Houshmazoo…

--Tom Brady and Bridget Moynahan are done.


Well, that’s just fantastic. All the Astros had to give up to bring in a Twinkies-loving pitcher who hasn’t won more than 9 games since 2004, has a career ERA of 4.74 and has one more year left on his contract is the best defensive player who has sick, sick speed and a pitcher who a year ago was ranked as the organization’s top prospect by Baseball America and did nothing but go 13-2 with a 2.10 ERA in Round Rock and put together a nice little consecutive innings shutout streak of 44 and a third. Honestly I don’t think Jason Jennings is all that fat…I mean bad, it’s just giving up players and prospects for a guy who if he pitches great will get a lot of jack from someone next season and oh yeah, they wouldn’t have had to give up anyone to bring Andy Pettitte back.

--Tigers all-world reliever Joel Zumaya missed three games in the ALCS because of forearm pain not caused by pitching, but by too many hours playing Guitar Hero?! Now, I’ve definitely got to get that game.

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--Heather Locklear and Jonathan Schaech?! You may remember Schaech from such classic sequels as Poison Ivy 2 or 8 MM 2 or my personal favorite, Road House 2: Last Call.

--So I’m doing some shopping when I see a great gift for that Lou Diamond Phillips fan in your family. They have a special LDP DVD pack with three outstanding movies from his career. Go ahead and name the other two besides La Bamba that you think are in this…I’ll wait…done? Did you put down Bats and, the only movie I’ve ever walked out of, The Big Hit? No, love for Chavez y Chavez and Young Guns? Maybe Stand and Deliver?
Who is forcing who to watch Garfield? If it's Dad get CPS on the phone.

--Congratulations to 20-year-old Lindsey Lohan who claims she’s made it an entire week without a drink. Make it two weeks with panties and you can start feeling proud of yourself.

--One lawsuit down for Borat. The one with those idiot frat brothers was rightfully dismissed.

--Because I’ve never seen Toy Story and Requiem for a Dream is the best movie I’ll never see again…

--I'm an html idiot and can't link this properly, but it should have been to a list of 10 fictional women who make it hard to date real women. Strong list including the likes of Natalie Portman/Sam from Garden State, Ali from Karate Kid, Beth from Road Trip and every woman who’s ever been on Entourage. Two omissions on a list that could run strong 25-deep…Diane Court from Say Anything and
Penny Lane from Almost Famous.
If we’re including television then the easy number 1 is Pam from The Office. Easy.
Cue the "you f'd up" chants for Jim.

--Burn of the week comes to us from Angela talking to one of the Asian waitresses Michael brought back…"you don't see me going into your house and taking your hello kitty backpack." Michael marking his chick = priceless. Can’t forget about Michael’s Bros before Hoes speech.

--I don’t have kids so I don’t know what I’d do if my 3-year-old boy wet his pants. I know what I wouldn’t do. I wouldn’t do what Aron Pritchard of Hutchinson, Kansas did. He tossed his 3-year-old boy and 2-year-old daughter into the clothes dryer. The boy suffered some burns in learning his lesson and the girl came out injury-free with a distinct odor of Bounce. Daddy’s doing laundry in jail now.

--The founder of No Fear Sportswear killed himself?! Apparently Marty Moates was living in a lot of pain caused by his motorcycle racing days and so decided he had had enough.

--There’s a funny way to mock Asians and there’s an unfunny (word?) way. Rosie’s fat, hypocritical way = unfunny. And when you’re stealing your material from Shaq you got problems.

--Give it up one more time for the 109th Congress. In its wildly successful two-year run the 109th passed 383 pieces of legislation. More than a quarter of those went to the all-important naming and renaming of federal buildings, mostly post offices. That’s why we can now visit national treasures such as the Karl Malden U.S. Post Office in Los Angeles or the Ava Gardner U.S. Post Office in Smithfield, North Carolina. You’ve got your work cut out for you 110th.

--Evel Kneivel is suing Evel Kanyevel for his “Touch the Sky” video. I’m not saying Evel doesn’t like black people, but, "That video that Kanye West put out is the most worthless piece of crap I've ever seen in my life, and he uses my image to catapult himself on the public."

--It could really use more and more realistic football, but Friday Night Lights is getting better and better. Lyla…

--The Die Hard 4 trailer is out on YouTube. I’d put it here, but I didn’t want to waste your time.
--Do yourself a favor and get Beatles LOVE. Out-standing! Somehow, some way they should have found room for a little Rocky Raccoon though. It doesn't get better than The White Album.

--Matt Damon on the man, the myth, the Matthew McConaughey…

--A new season of Extras on HBO is just a month away.

--Terrence Howard as Rick James in a biopic?!

--Ryan Reynolds as The Flash?!

--Traffic cops in Toronto had a nice thing going until one goody two-shoes cop ruined it for everyone. Apparently the officers got to knock off work early once they reached a 25 ticket quota. Some Serpico wanna be refused to play along and ruined everybody’s fun.

--In a huge upset or maybe not Black Men’s Magazine Sexiest Woman of the Year is none other than Vida Guerra. By the way, next year Miss Badonkadonk (sp?) will start her own all-girl music group.

--Kevin Federline wants a hell of a lot of money or he’s going to write a tell-all including Britney’s theories on time travel?! That’s a threat? I, for one, am interested in hearing Miss Spears’ ideas, which I’m sure were inspired by either Back to the Future or Donnie Dar…no it has to be Back to the Future. C’mon Kevin you’re talking about a woman who hangs out with Paris and no longer wears panties or bras so your little book isn’t so big and scary.

--R.I.P. Peter Boyle

Questions, comments or if you ever had a flat tire and Nelson Toro saved your ass…

Vintage Hang Tags II

Since my last post, I've been having lots of fun looking at hang tags on vintage garments from my inventory. I ran across this one from a company named Weingarten yesterday. Its on a 1950's plus size dress fashioned from beige linen with soutache braid and rhinestone accents.

Here's what it says:
"Dear Miss America: This is a Weingarten Original created in our design studios by America's top designers. This dress combines the latest style trends with the elegance of fit and construction that has identified the work of our master craftsmen for two generations...."

I don't know about you, but any company that addresses me as Miss America and makes me feel special is going to get my business! Here's the dress:

See this dress and more at Couture Allure Vintage Fashion .

Girls- To Do The Laundry

How Ya Like Me Now?

Well, fan-freakin-tastic, it’s Monday and Gary Kubiak still has a job. I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but it was your decision to pick Mario Williams over Reggie and Vince and that was the stupidest sports move in Houston’s looong history of stupid sports moves. You know, at least the Blazers didn’t pass up Michael Jordan twice. Reggie or Vince it was that f’n simple and everyone who has ever seen a snap knew it except you. This is entirely on you. You said you could make David Carr into a real quarterback. Now you don’t even trust him to throw the ball more than 10 yards down the field. Well that’s just f’n great. You and Bob “throw 700 million dollars down the toilet” McNair said you needed Mario to beat Peyton. Well, Mario hasn’t, Carr hasn’t, but some guy named Vince Young did it in his ninth career start. You know what’s better than beating the Colts? Beating the Cowboys. Reggie Bush helped the Saints do that as he went for over 150 yards and a highlight reel touchdown reception. You egotistical idiots thought you could just roll in and put in your system and everything would be okay. No, this team was coming off a two-win season and didn’t have one exciting piece that every week you would put everything on hold for just to watch him, even if it’s in a loss. This city deserved someone special to give us hope and you gave them a defensive end who may turn out to be great, but Vince and Reggie are already there. Anthony Weaver and Antwan Peek were just a couple of the Texans who said Vince is great. No, sh**, I haven’t heard one opposing player say Mario is great already. Bob McNair should a press conference tomorrow and fire Charley Casserly again, then off with Kubiak’s head, then sell the freakin’ team to someone, anyone who knows what the hell they’re doing. I agree with everyone who says that if you were rooting for Vince and the Titans on Sunday then you aren’t a Texans fan. Damn straight. Who the hell wants to be a Texans fan anyway? What have they done that you can be proud of? Beat the Cowboys 19-10 and that was damn near five years ago. Everything since then has been all downhill. You can’t help, but like players like Andre, Dunta, Weaver, DeMeco, but I hate this franchise. I will never get over that stupid ass decision. I hope Vince kicks your butt every single time and Reggie Bush becomes as special as everyone was saying he would be. It serves everyone in that organization, right. Eat it Texans! F’n eat it!!!

--Houston now sits 5th in the draft order.

--The Vikings have beaten the Lions 10 straight times, which is the current longest mark. In a couple of weeks the Colts will beat the Texans 10 straight times as well.

--Until the Ravens handled them Sunday the Chiefs hadn’t lost a December home game since 1996 when no one had ever heard of the Houston Texans.

--There’s crazy and then there’s Jeff Garcia putting up three straight 100+ passer ratings. It’s the second time he’s ever done that in his career.

--Congratulations to Philip Buchanon who picked off Michael Vick in the end zone on Sunday. Buchanon is the first Buc to have had the ball in the end zone since Mike Alstott in the first quarter on Thanksgiving.

--Chris Weinke has now lost his last 15 straight starts.

--Barack Obama’s opening on Monday Night Football was great.

--The Raiders have lost six straight and not scored more than 14 points in any of them.

--How awful is Bryant Gumbel on the NFL Network (not that anyone gets that anyway)?

--Pearland stopped the Sam McGuffie express over the weekend. Former Dobie QB Sam Proctor led the Oilers on a game-winning drive at the end to come away with a 16-15 win. Another big day for future Longhorn Fozzy Whitaker. McGuffie had a couple more scores to end up with 43. Oh yeah, the junior RB finished the season with a ho-hum 3,121 yards averaging 8.7 a carry. I can’t imagine anyone reading this who hasn’t seen The Hurdle, but just in case…

At Least the Astros Aren’t Stup…WTF?! Andy’s Where?!

Congratulations go out to the Astros for sticking it to that jerk Andy Pettitte. What’s he ever done in his career? Win a World Series? Or two? Or three? Win 18 postseason games? Come back to his hometown and bring Roger Clemens with him? Finish 2nd to Clemens in ERA two years ago at 2.39? Finish in the top 5 in Cy Young voting four times? Go 7-4 with a 2.80 ERA last season after the break? Pfft, whatever, thank God he’s gone. Houston’s rotation is already stacked with guys whose credentials are far superior than what little Andrew Eugene could bring. Any team would think it a luxury to have Woody Williams as a # 2 starter. What’s that? You’re going to trade for somebody. Oh, okay. See the thing is you could have just spent two more million and brought back Andy and not have to lose any young talent. But I guess you need to open up some roster spots for all those studs coming down the pipe. So what if Andy wanted a player option. Give it to him. He won’t take your money if he’s hurt or ineffective. That’s not who he is. $100 million for a fat, 30-year-old outfielder is palatable, but an extra two million and a player option for a hometown guy isn’t? Thank God, we have the rest of the Rockets’ season to look forward to. What’s that? Tracy’s back forced him to leave Saturday’s game? Sonuva@#$^%&@%!!!!

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--The LA Film Critics Association handed out some year-end awards. Clint Eastwood’s Letters from Iwo Jima won Best Picture. There was a tie for Best Actor between one of my all-time favorites Forrest Whitaker who knocked it out the park in Last King of Scotland. The other Best Actor, c’mon think about it, who else could it be besides Sasha Baron Cohen for a little movie known as Borat.

--Because at its core The Shining really is a family movie…

--Whatever brings family together is okay by me. For example, a 12-year-old boy and his sister were on their way to school the other morning when the sister needed some nourishment. So being the big brother he took her into a convenience store to pick out whatever she wanted. She wanted a Rice Krispies Treat bar so the big brother placed it on the counter and pulled out a semi-automatic pistol and told the clerk he was going to blow his head off. Awwww. So the clerk let him have the Treat and a handful of other candy because he probably knew how important family bonding can be. The brother and sister walked out and I assume, will live happily ever after.

--Allen Central High School in Eastern, Kentucky is home to a whole lot of Confederate flag symbols. Not a lot of problems from the all-white student body about that. Let’s hear the wisdom of cheerleader Tiffany Owens, "To us it's not about the hatred. I have colored friends around here and they never say anything." She told you.

--First Boondocks went on a temporary vacation that has now become permanent and now Fox Trot is leaving?! Now Dear Abby is the only thing worth reading in the comics section. Great headline about a week ago: Being Sad and Being Stoned Wrong Mix for Funeral. Really?!

--First off if your girlfriend is Beyonce you pretty much have the life anyway. More so when your girlfriend is Beyonce and she decides to throw you a three-day party on a 270-foot yacht for the small price of $3 million. Yeah, she’s keeper material.

--Because we all have questions about Full House that need to be answered…

--Sometimes the opposite sex calls you out on a lie and you just have to man or woman up and be honest…if your feeble mind can think of a better lie or you can’t find a way to turn a lie into truth. With that we head to Tennessee and the story of 25-year-old Nickie Davidson who told her boyfriend that she had a high-paying job, which was not the case at all. No, this little lady told the lie and so backed it up by robbing houses with her latest theft involving $15,000 worth of jewelry. Sadly she got busted and the cops told the boyfriend. The cops also informed said boyfriend that Nickie was married.

--If you ain't watching Everybody Hates Chris on Monday nights on CW you're missing out.

--Best news you'll get this week...Office is an hour.

--Oregon State doesn’t have the greatest reputation and the agricultural fraternity known as Alpha Gamma Rho isn’t helping. Apparently the brothers don’t appreciate homeless people rummaging through their trash cans in the alley behind the house. So they do what any responsible group of young men would do, they shoot at the homeless. Dennis Sanderson was rummaging the other day when a 19-year-old shot him in the leg with a .22 caliber rifle. The police rolled up and found over two dozen weapons at the house.
Writing of guns…
Outside the Lines did a story on athletes who are licensed to carry guns with Scott saying, "How do you combat a man with a firearm? You don't combat him with a golf club, baseball bat or knife. You combat him with another firearm." For a guy who mentions God in every postgame answer this came as a bit of a surprise.

--Because if you can’t mash up X-Men 3 with Office Space what can you mash up…

--The Sonics are 3-2 at home since coming onto the court to Young Jeezy’s “And Then What?” Now you know.

--Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee?!

--A national drug survey by the federal government found that between 2002-2005 drug use by teenagers decreased by 15%. Drug use among people in their 50s increased by 63%.

--Tori Spelling inexplicably has her own reality show, more inexplicably is writing an autobiography and just had a big garage sale. Among the treasured items you could purchase? Used Sephora lip gloss for $1 and her dog’s shampoo for $20. Wow, that sounds great.

--And we spied on Diana because????

--Kirk Douglas turned 90 the other day and celebrated by passing the depressing buck to the youth, "Let's face it. The world is in a mess. Generation Y, you are on the cusp. You are the group facing many problems: abject poverty, global warming, genocide, AIDS, and suicide bombers to name a few. These problems exist and the world is silent. We have done very little to solve these problems. Now, we leave it to you."
Geez, thanks Spartacus.

--I love my boy Adam Morrison, but 4-34 in his last four games?! --I keep telling you, but this has been the best first two months of college basketball I can ever remember. The latest classic being LSU and Texas. Of course, the Longhorns won in overtime. Sounds familiar.

--Former royalty Sarah Ferguson looks like she’ll be on the next Dancing with the Stars. I can barely contain my excitement with dancers like that coming.

--I’m all for Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley, but two and a half freakin’ hours for Pirates is waaaay too much. (Spoiler-although if you haven’t seen it by now…)The final scene was great with Geoffrey Rush’s Barbossa coming down the stairs. Apparently the director wanted a true surprised reaction from everybody so they were told it was Zoe Saldana/Annmaria who was going to be coming down the steps and not Barbossa. Now you know…

Questions, comments or if you inexplicably went upstairs for simulcast racing from Phoenix when you know damn well the dogs from Phoenix never treat you right…

Girls - To Clean Up My Room

Vince Bowl?

Real creative, Chronicle. Honestly even the most die hard Vince Young fan, die hard Texans fan and die hard David Carr fan/apologist has got to be sick of all of the hype. I know I am. Let’s just get the game over with and realize no matter what happens someone will be calling all next week with “I told ya so’s.” In summation, Vince Young is special. David Carr is not. The Texans had a chance to always put one incredibly exciting player on the field with its offense at all times. The Texans did not. I can’t speak for everyone, but I can write for me…I’ll never get over that decision. Ever. Maybe I’ve grown too cynical and somewhere along the way lost the blind love I used to have for my hometown teams because not so deep inside of me I want to see Vince light it up Sunday afternoon and the Titans to win, and win big. I’ve never loathed any single person like I loathe Bud Adams. And the Texans have made it to where I actually want Bud’s team to win. Where have I lost my way? Like my failed relationships I’ll place the blame firmly on the other party, in this case the Texans, although as always when I talk it out it’s probably more my fault. Where’s my Jager?

--Just thinking ahead, but there are four 4-8 teams and right now the Texans would be drafting 7th. We all know the NFC sucks and more to that point 5 of the first 6 picks right now would go to teams in that conference.

--As a team the Cowboys are second in the league with rushing TDs with 17. LaDainian is now at 23 by himself.

--The Browns haven’t won back-to-back games since October of 2003.

--Last year only four times did a team trailing by 14 or more in the first quarter come back to win the game. It’s already happened five times this season wit the Titans involved twice (1-1).

--Quick which team leads the league in passing touchdowns? Wrong, it’s the Eagles with 24.

--The Falcons average 5.7 yards a rush and a whole 5.1 yards per pass.

--They don’t get much hotter than USC Song Girls especially the ones who really know their football…

Road Daze

The Timberwolves played some good ball and Yao and Tracy McGrady could never really find a rhythm so the boys took one on the chin Wednesday. Minnesota did a very nice job making Yao look as uncomfortable as a racist comedian on Letterman. I guess you can only win so many games when you shoot in the 35% range. As always Yao got screwed by the refs. That technical foul he got for taunting after dunking over Eddie “drive with my hands at 10 and in my pants o’ clock” Griffin was just ridiculous. Whatever. That was the first of ten road games this month. The Rockets also have four more sets of back-to-back games this month. The schedule has been cake up to this point now we see how legitimate that hot start was.

--Maurice Taylor has been suspended five games for violating the league’s substance abuse policy for the 3rd time in 9 years. Congratulations.

Sometimes Tasers can be fun…In Florida, Officer Henry Lee found out that his wife had invited over a corrections officer to meet a friend of hers. So that kind of sucks he probably just wanted to go home, sit down, drink a beer and watch Heroes, but nooooooooooo. So his wife’s female friend doesn’t show up and he’s still at work. Then his wife calls asking him to pick up some things from the store. Why? Because she needed some more sexy time with the corrections officer. So Officer Lee comes home and sees his wife kissing ol’ boy on the couch. Then she gets up and he busts through the door, smacks the guy with his baton, then pulls his revolver as wifey comes back in. The guy asks for Lee to show some mercy and Lee holsters his gun and busts out his Taser and goes to town. And, of course, Lee is the one who is in trouble with the law. What kind of world do we live in when a man can’t Taser another man who is in his house, on his couch, eating his chips and kissing his wife? Land of the free?

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--If you’re keeping score then The Break-Up between Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston is official…until further notice.

--For the fifth time in the last six years Britney Spears was the most searched for person on Yahoo! WWE, which last time I checked was not a person was 2nd followed by lovely Shakira, lovely Jessica Simpson and skanky Paris Hilton.
Because there's a littly Superfly in all of us.

--Taco Bell serves green onions?! Apparently not anymore with E. coli scaring the refried beans out of everybody. Worst decision I never want to make, Taco Bell or Arby’s.

--Because once upon a time Andy Dick was in something funny and didn’t have to go to rehab or drop the N-word to get some attention…

--Hayden Christensen as Phil Helmuth in a biopic?! Look I’m not saying Hayden Christensen was why the new batch of Star Wars sucked, but…, okay that is what I’m saying.

--Beyonce and Jay-Z secret wedding this weekend?!
Crazy in love.

--I've said it before and I'll say it again this is the Best Big Ad Ever…

--Seriously, the Happy Feet penguins promote homosexuality?! This is where we’re going with this people? I’m talking to you Fox News.
Say it ain't so Chilly, say it ain't so.

--Your teacher-student sex story of the week comes to us from Fort Collins. 29-year-old Carrie McCandless accompanied some students on a field trip in late October and set her eyes on a particular 17-year-old. The history teacher supplied the students with alcohol and “did everything except have sex” with that particular student. One time the pair, along with other students who we’ll refer to as third wheels, went on a hike and he brought Everclear and she brought a bottle of Jack. According to the third wheels the alcoholic pair kept sneaking off for “a cigarette” or “a drink” for 30-45 minutes at a time. One fun day they exchanged 76 texts on their phones. When staying in a cabin once they simulated sex with their clothes on while students slept around them. Yeah, she don’t give a f***! Oh yeah, she was also the principal’s wife. Oh yeah, a member of the school board tried to keep it hush, hush, but eventually a television reporter informed police.

--The 2006 top ten baby names for girls and boys is out. Aiden is still the reigning champ for boys. Jacob and Ethan follow at 2 and 3 just like last year. Ryan jumped up a couple of spots to 4 while Nicholas free falled to 8th. Big jump for Logan from 19 to 10. On the girls’ side…Emma repeats as champ fighting off Madison and Ava. Ava?!

--Eddie Murphy has moved on to Babyface’s ex-wife.

--Because, trust me, you need some Benny Hinn on this day…

--There’s a new movie theater that opened up in North Philly. Wednesday was the second day of a dollar movie promotion that brought in the crowds. Of course, being in North Philadelphia someone brought a gun, shot it six times, sparking brawls everywhere you looked. All that because Happy Feet was sold out.

--Maybe you remember a while back when I posted the video of the guys in Dallas who taped the lottery recording the night before and then the next day tricked their friend into thinking he won with of course, video hilarity being provided for us. Anyway, a guy in Pennsylvania created a fake winning ticket and left it lying around the break room. Some guy picked it up, tried to redeem it, lied about buying it and got charged with fraud for his trouble. Hilarious.

--You know how you’ve always wanted the Major League Baseball draft to be televised? Well the next one is going to be on ESPN or TBS anyway.

--Should kids learn this in the 1st or 2nd grade?

--Jeff Lacy suffered a severe tear in his left rotator cuff in the 2nd round of that “win” against Tsypko last Saturday. He’ll be out at least six months. This week Jermain Taylor takes on Kassim Ouma. Don’t sleep on Ouma. He’s just like Joshua Clottey although Jermain Taylor won’t be near as rusty as Antonio Margarito was.

Questions, comments or if you keep finding yourself writing like you would text…

Girls - To Do the Dishes

Professional Football?? Is That You??

I thought Texans/Raiders was going to be a horrible, no good, very bad game…and it was. I guess one of the teams had to win and the one that trusted its quarterback the least walked away with a ‘w.’ Once again the only thing to feel good about the day after, whether it’s a “win” or a loss, is DeMeco Ryans. Ho-hum another forced fumble, fumble recovery, interception, sack and 14 unassisted tackle day. We’ve known this for weeks, but the Texans finally have a draft pick worth remembering beyond Andre Johnson. Back to the game (unfortunately) the offense was beyond pathetic. -5 passing yards?! Your number 1 overall quarterback, the guy you said you could make a solid NFL QB is trusted to throw the ball four times (none complete) in the second half?! Nice job by Ron Dayne, but I’d much rather see Wali Lundy and Chris Taylor back there because those guys may be a part of the future here as opposed to a guy inching towards 30 who has had numerous chances to show his stuff. The defense wasn’t all that good. Usually when a team forces (not that you have actually have to force Oakland into mistakes) five turnovers and gets five sacks it doesn’t give up over 300 yards of offense. Draft order be damned, the Texans won. How exciting.

--How nice of the Texans to get tied into the Oilers. The Texans were the first team since the Oilers back in 1981 to win a game with negative passing yards. The old Houston team finished 7-9 that season. While we’re going down memory lane…Kenny Stabler played in 13 games that season finishing with 18 INTs to go with 14 TDs. For the first time in his four years up to that point Earl Campbell finished under a 4 yard per carry average (3.8).
He did bust out a career-high 36 catches. Ken Burrough had a team-high 40 catches while Dave Casper led the squad with 8 receiving TDs. Campbell, Robert Brazile, Leon Gray and Carl Roaches all made the Pro Bowl. In an oddity on the season receptions list you’d have to go all the way to number 5 before finding a wide receiver and that would be Steve Largent with 75 catches. Kellen Winslow led the league with 88 receptions followed by Dwight Clark, RB Ted Brown, and TE Joe Senser. Now you know.

--Congratulations to Randy Moss who caught four balls against that stout Texans secondary. Coming in he had four catches in his last three games combined. Does anyone care more than that guy?

--More congratulations to send out, this time to former Aggie turned Cellblock Cincy member Reggie McNeal. Apparently he was trying to get into Red Door here in downtown after 2 AM and when an off duty officer told him it was closed he showed his Bengal colors. Nice job, Chris Henry would be proud.

--Rex Grossman had a 1.3 passer rating on Sunday and the Bears still dispatched the Vikings because of their defense/special teams and if there’s a worse quarterback than Carr and Grossman it’s Brad Johnson. You have to be pretty bad to beat Grossman in interceptions, which Brad did 4-3.

--Has there been a better pass this season than the one Tony Romo threw to Jason Witten to put the Cowboys in field goal position. More importantly Romo says if there was one tabloid starlet he’d like to date it would be Carrie Underwood because she’s cute and does it the right way. Which way does Jessica Simpson do it?

--Michael Vick threw a couple of scores so I’m sure everything will be okay in Atlanta. Vick on the TD to Michael Jenkins, "He actually wasn't even in the read. Sometimes you've got to overcome coaching. I told him before the play to make sure he ran his route to win, and he did. Nobody on the field knew what I was going to do but me and him, so it kind of works out that way."
"Sometimes you’ve got to overcome coaching" is one of the best lines of 2006.

--Emmitt Smith retired and won Dancing with the Stars before the Cardinals had another 100-yard rusher. But finally Edge went for 115 Sunday to break the drought since Twinkletoes did it in 2004. Of course, Marcel Shipp got the three rushing touchdowns. With 190 more rushing yards Edge will be the first Cardinal over that mark since Adrian Murrell back in 1998. That’s just pathetic.

--So next year I’m thinking if you draft LaDainian Tomlinson then no second round pick for you. That or half points. He’s just ridiculous.

--Ohio State and 8-point favorite against Florida? I’ll take the Gators and give me +7 for my Cougars against South Carolina.

--It doesn’t get much better than collegefootballnews.com. They rank the bowls from 1-32 and Rice and Troy isn’t 32!

Quick Hitters and Random Thoughts

--How much longer until the Geico Cavemen movie?

--Rachel Bilson and Adam Brody are no more? Sucks for you Adam. Eddie Murphy and Scary Spice also done.

--Giant Magazine busted out a list of the top 50 commercials from the wonderful decade known as the 80’s. It doesn’t get much better than Jason Alexander singing and dancing for the McDLT.

By the way, anyone else rooting for Larry David to invite Michael Richards and Wanda Sykes over for dinner on Curb Your Enthusiasm? Vivica A. Fox is joining the show so we’ll see how that works out. My guess is funny.

--Sacha Baron Cohen talked to Rolling Stone about all the haters…"I was surprised because I always had faith in the audience that they would realize that this was a fictitious country and the mere purpose of it (the film) was to allow people to bring out their own prejudices. The reason we chose Kazakhstan was because it was a country that no one had ever heard anything about, so we could essentially play on stereotypes they might have about this ex-Soviet backwater. The joke is not on Kazakhstan. I think the joke is on people who can believe that the Kazakhstan that I describe can exist - who believe that there's a country where homosexuals wear blue hats and women live in cages."

--Whoever the guy is who plays Peter Petrelli on Heroes he's also plays Rocky’s son in the next edition coming out. In case you forgot how good Sage Stallone was in Rocky V let’s revisit with the bonus of a visit from Old E…

--One more thing on Rocky Balboa…apparently Mr. T and Ivan Drago make cameo appearances. Evidently Apollo Creed wanted too much money.

--Police in a Phoenix suburb have a little television program showing cops on patrol. One cop pulls over a car with two black men because they were littering. Then the extremely intelligent and racially sensitive officer tells them they can avoid the ticket if they rap about the dangers of littering. They spit some rhymes, talk some football and the cop lets them go. NAACP not happy.

--An L.A. Confidential sequel with George Clooney?! That’s promising.
Guy Pearce = most underrated actor around.

--The fights on Saturday were fairly good although the chalk won in each case. Jeff Lacy won in about as exciting and promising a fashion as the Texans did. Winky polished off Ike Quartey. Larry Merchant gave us this nugget about Quartey…Ike has 26 brothers and sisters including an 85-year-old sis. Antonio Margarito and Joshua Clottey could have had a war if both hadn’t hurt themselves. Margarito’s rust showed and Clottey looked unbeatable until he re-injured himself. Miguel Cotto beat on Carlos Quintana for a while until it got called.

--I really wanted to like Superman Returns, but it was just bad.
Eat something Kate, please.

--Disturbing DrudgeReport headline of the week: Drunk 2-month-old dropped off at hospital; Blood Alcohol Level of 0.364. Thankfully the little one is supposed to be fine. One more headline: 83% of chickens germ-laden in annual test, highest ever.

--Lonny Baxter had to learn the hard way that one of the places you don’t want to fire a gun is in front of The White House. You also don’t want to try and snatch a woman’s purse in front of The White House. Some idiot tried and it just so happen the woman was the wife of a Nebraska police chief who bear hugged the would-be robber until Secret Service came over.

--Dwyane Wade is SI’s Sportsman of the Year. Very good article on a choice out of left field that makes a lot of sense. Mr. Vincent McMahon. I’ve seen those shows and they are always great to watch and not about storylines, but just about letting our brave men and women over there know that we appreciate them and any brief respite WWE can provide it will. Say what you want about Vince, but he deserves to be propped up for this.

--If you play one game of Asteroids from the Asteroid’s point of view then make it this one…

Questions, comments or if it’s been more than five years since you’ve heard Slaughter’s "Fly to the Angels"…

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