How Ya Like Me Now?
Well, fan-freakin-tastic, it’s Monday and Gary Kubiak still has a job. I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but it was your decision to pick Mario Williams over Reggie and Vince and that was the stupidest sports move in Houston’s looong history of stupid sports moves. You know, at least the Blazers didn’t pass up Michael Jordan twice. Reggie or Vince it was that f’n simple and everyone who has ever seen a snap knew it except you. This is entirely on you. You said you could make David Carr into a real quarterback. Now you don’t even trust him to throw the ball more than 10 yards down the field. Well that’s just f’n great. You and Bob “throw 700 million dollars down the toilet” McNair said you needed Mario to beat Peyton. Well, Mario hasn’t, Carr hasn’t, but some guy named Vince Young did it in his ninth career start. You know what’s better than beating the Colts? Beating the Cowboys. Reggie Bush helped the Saints do that as he went for over 150 yards and a highlight reel touchdown reception. You egotistical idiots thought you could just roll in and put in your system and everything would be okay. No, this team was coming off a two-win season and didn’t have one exciting piece that every week you would put everything on hold for just to watch him, even if it’s in a loss. This city deserved someone special to give us hope and you gave them a defensive end who may turn out to be great, but Vince and Reggie are already there. Anthony Weaver and Antwan Peek were just a couple of the Texans who said Vince is great. No, sh**, I haven’t heard one opposing player say Mario is great already. Bob McNair should a press conference tomorrow and fire Charley Casserly again, then off with Kubiak’s head, then sell the freakin’ team to someone, anyone who knows what the hell they’re doing. I agree with everyone who says that if you were rooting for Vince and the Titans on Sunday then you aren’t a Texans fan. Damn straight. Who the hell wants to be a Texans fan anyway? What have they done that you can be proud of? Beat the Cowboys 19-10 and that was damn near five years ago. Everything since then has been all downhill. You can’t help, but like players like Andre, Dunta, Weaver, DeMeco, but I hate this franchise. I will never get over that stupid ass decision. I hope Vince kicks your butt every single time and Reggie Bush becomes as special as everyone was saying he would be. It serves everyone in that organization, right. Eat it Texans! F’n eat it!!!